Did you know that your empty ink cartridge can help you earn some money or fund your favorite charity simply by not throwing it away! Very often we do not know what to do with the empty cartridges and they invariably find their way to the trashcan. Given these cartridges are made of plastic, they are not biodegradable and end up polluting the environment in various ways.
A recent study done by a US based agency the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has found that 67% of the empty cartridges are sent to landfills, 15% are burnt to ashes and a mere 18% are recycled.
If the percentages don’t look intimidating enough, here are some actual figures, every year over 400 million cartridges with a combined weight of 200 million pounds are dumped into landfills.
Recycling these cartridges is a far more useful option. Here are a few benefits in recycling cartridges can do:
1/ Help us reduce our ink bills, as recycled ink cartridges are a lot cheaper compared to new ones.
2/ This way we can help reduce pollution and reduce the amount of plastic that goes into polluting the earth.
3/ We can send them over to companies that assist charities with the profits.
Some institutions generate money by recycling cartridges
Oxfam for example can help raise money from empty ink cartridges. Visit http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_you_can_do/recycle/toner.htm and you can read both about the work Oxfam undertakes as well as how they fund charitable work using the money generated from cartridges.
Refilling Cartridges
Refilling cartridges is good option. The replacement cartridges must be made to the exact specifications and standards of the manufacturer and not simply refilled. Just because they come cheap, you don’t want them to ruin your print quality and risk ink leakage.
Refill kits are available and they are typically very easy to use. If this option is availed they can save you up to 70 percent on the purchase cost. They can be purchased online from sites that sell ink cartridges.
A refill cartridge typically contains the component parts, ink, syringes and clips, to refill the empty cartridge with new ink. Instructions are provided with the kits to fill the cartridges. This is certainly the best way to improve the life of a cartridge as you can take of it yourself without having to pass it around.
If you would rather not refill the cartridges yourself, they can be bought from another supplier but here is a list of things you want to keep in mind while doing that.
1/ The yield needs to be checked - Which means, the estimated number of pages one cartridge can print.
2/ Density of the remanufactured cartridge - The density should be between 1.3 and 1.6. This number is derived after running a test on a number of cartridges, as testing just one will not present the accurate density.
3/ Inspection and replacement of components - The drum, wiper blade and the drum roller are the key components. They need to be checked before making a purchase.
4/ Each model of a printer uses a different toner - If the same toner is used for all the cartridges it could affect the yield without affecting the printing quality. This means, lesser number of pages printed per cartridge and hence higher cost per page.
5/ The label - Once the cartridge is remanufactured the label needs to be replaced by the supplier and the label should indicate which machine the cartridge goes into. If the label is not removed, it could be considered as copyright infringement.
6/ Check with the supplier if they would fix your printer if the ink bought from them causes damage to your printer. This in some cases would be an indication about the quality of ink inside the cartridges.
Potential problems that incorrectly filled cartridges can cause
Sponge filled cartridges refusing to print after re-filling. Here, the sponge is used so that it holds back the ink and it does not flow freely into the print head. The problem could arise from air bubbles trapped inside the layer of ink. This is known as a vapor lock situation. Precautions need to be taken so that this does not happen. While filling the cartridge, the syringe needs to be plunged deep into the cartridge and ink pushed out slowly till it appears on top of the sponge.
If the problem has already occurred, then try holding the cartridge with the print head pointing down on top of a waste paper basket and swing it upwards and stop suddenly. If ink appears on top of the print head, the problem is probably fixed.
The refilled cartridge does not print but a new one does
Check for vapor locking first. If that is the problem then the method described above can rectify the problem.
If this does not work, it could mean the print head or the venting path is blacked. If something is covering the venting path, try removing it. Please be careful not to increase the size of the venting path.
If it still does not work, then it possibly means that the print head openings are blocked. In this case there is not much you can do given the regular means available. However, you can try and scrub it with cotton dipped in distilled water or holding it over steam for not more than a minute. This does not happen regularly but if it does, you can refer to the printer manual and follow the instructions to clean the printer head.
Useful information
It is frequently asked if the warranty on a printer would be considered void if refilled cartridges are used. The answer is technically NO. Often the manufacturer will encourage purchase of branded cartridges and discourages the refilling but that is largely for commercial reasons. Otherwise it is perfectly all right to use refilled cartridges.
About the Author
John Sollars is the managing director of Solar Electronics, suppliers of inkjet cartridges and pc peripherals based in the UK. To access a comprehensive online shop of original and re-manufactured printer inks please visit http://www.mega-office.co.uk
The recent spikes in oil and natural gas prices have put the topic of alternative fuels for home heating at the forefront of discussions around the country. Alternative fuels that in the past were seen as marginal, odd, or strictly for rural use are getting a second look.
Wood heat has been used for generations in the rural U.S., but has been replaced in the past fifty years or so by central heating provided by oil- or gas-fired furnaces. However, in recent years, wood stoves have been making a comeback. Attractive stoves by Jotul and other manufacturers have taken their place in communal living areas like kitchens and living rooms to supplement heating while providing a cozy ambiance to the rooms. Wood furnaces, both internal and external and in many new designs based on the latest technology, provide the ability to load the furnace so as to provide hours of central heating before needing re-stoking. An advantage of burning wood, at least in rural areas, is that it can be locally obtained; people with a wood lot can get it with "sweat equity", and can supplement their income by supplying their neighbors as well.
New plant-based fuels like wood pellets and corn pellets can also provide heat when used in specially designed, clean-burning furnaces and stoves. In addition, more and more people are taking a new look at biodiesel, a fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, primarily soybean oil. Most furnaces can use B20, a fuel made of 80 percent traditional heating oil and 20 percent biodiesel, without any adjustments; some people are getting their furnaces adapted to be able to burn B100, a fuel made entirely of vegetable oils. The biodiesel burns much cleaner than traditional heating oil, but has its own problems (for one thing, biodiesel tends to cause rubber gaskets to erode), so be sure to check with your furnace servicer or manufacturer before you opt for B100.
If you choose to use B100, and your furnace will handle it, you have a couple of options. B100 is becoming more available around the country; check on the Internet to find a supplier near you. Also, waste oil - that is, used vegetable oil discarded by restaurants - can be filtered and used in some furnaces. Several furnaces on the market are designed to burn waste oil. Commercially manufactured B100 has an additive that keeps it liquid at low temperatures, which recycled vegetable doesn't contain, so do your research - and check again with your furnace servicer - before you attempt burning used vegetable oil. We're facing a new world with lots of challenges in terms of how to heat our homes, especially in colder winter climates. Luckily there are technologies like wood gasification and biodeisel, available today which can help us move away from our decades-old dependence on fossil fuels.
Look in your pocket or in your bag or on the table next to you. In one of those three places it is probable that you saw a device that could cause your injury or death at some point in the future. What is it you ask? What is it that I carry with me everywhere? What is this object that you say could hurt or kill me or possibly those close to me that I care about? It is your cell phone. The make and model are irrelevant; they all produce unnaturally high amounts of EMF or electromagnetic fields.
If it was just a threat to ourselves there might not be such awareness, but it's the fact that people near us that could be adversely affected as well. Those little bundles of joy that are the centre of your life are affected more than anyone else. The question you need to ask is: What can I do about all this? I don't have the power to get EMF emitting cell phones banned or anything like that. There is something you can do though, to minimize the risk of harmful radiation effects to yourself and those close to you.
There are many radiation protection devices available today to help you get rid of this threat that is hanging over your head every time you pick up that phone. There are wide selections of products to suit any need you might have, in many shapes, at a range of prices that will allow anyone to afford this absolutely necessary protection.
There are hands-free devices that will protect you from this potentially lethal threat as well as helping you comply with current regulations. These regulations can actually be encouraging us to use non-radiation protective ear pieces that are increasing the amount of radiation directed into our heads. So, to ensure you are protected you need to ensure that the ear piece or hands-free kit you use is one of those specially designed to protect you and others in your vicinity. There are many different types of devices available for you to choose from, but the best way to ensure you are protected from radiation is to use a combination of devices, bearing in mind that a cell phone will affect any part of the body that it is close to, not the head alone. You need to aware that to be completely protected you need to have some form of protection when your phone is in your pocket and not being used as well as a method of protection while you are using your cell phone.
The cell phone is making communication easier all the time and no-one wants to give up that convenience, but it must be paired with the awareness of the inherent dangers associated with this convenience. To eradicate this danger we need to take the proper steps to ensure we have sufficient radiation protection.
All EMF protection information has been researched and written by Juliette Pickup EMF Protection Devices Author: Lyle Robertson more »
Magnetic power generator has become the latest buzz in town. What has made it such a huge topic is its ability to generate free electricity without even the use of natural energy such as the wind and the sun. It simply utilizes magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion. Operating by itself indefinitely without stopping, the magnetic power generator creates completely free electrical energy, which can fully power your house for free.
The magnetic power generator is closely associated with a perpetual motion device, also known as a machine that runs perpetually i.e. indefinitely, and produces a larger amount of energy than it consumes. Thus, it produces free energy indefinitely and runs by itself without having to need a third-party device or resource to power it. This free energy devices have been suppressed by the corporate world because such devices has the capability to create energy for free, which would ultimately shut down the major energy corporations.
By learning how to build a magnetic generator, you will be able to generate completely free electric energy without depending on any source of renewable or non-renewable energy. The generator powers itself and creates energy by itself without requiring solar energy, heat, water, coal or any kind of resource. Adding to that, it powers itself and works indefinitely without stopping, thus creating a large amount of energy.
This is designed to be a safe system for use and operates well. It doesn't produce any harmful byproducts or gases, and there isn't any hazard concerning the magnetic energy generator itself. Even if you have young children, they may freely walk in the close vicinity of the generator.
Benefits of a magnetic power generator include:
* This system is compact * Works independently – Do not require natural energy such as the wind and the sun * Cheap to construct and even cheaper to run * Cut your electrical bills down dramatically * Completely safe for you and your family (Including children)
Find out more about the new energy focus, the Magnetic Power Generator. Acquire wealth of information on how magnetic generators work, benefits and many other informative tips on saving electricity. Get to know the all the existing uses and benefits of a Magnetic Energy Generator today; Master the true knowledge of generating free energy.
Solar power systems are capable of supplying electrical power to all your household appliances and it can be quite substantial. For the residential community, solar power is the most sensible decision for many different reasons. Solar panels are nearly free of maintenance once installed, which means operating costs will usually be extremely miniscule.
In recent years, solar power systems have garnered some notable leaps and that continues as the price of electricity and other forms of energy continue to rise. They are the most common means that homeowners are harnessing solar energy. They harness the sun's energy and convert it into electrical power efficiently. These solar power systems are then connected to the house and the energy is transferred to the house powering it with electricity.
Benefits of Solar Power systems:
* Tax incentives (Check your area for rebates offered by governments) * Save electrical expenses * Power your home appliances for free * Affordability * Environmental friendly * Increases house value
Having a solar power system installed in your home, you can actually reduce 80% or even eliminate 100% of your monthly electrical bills. Not just that, the presence of tax incentives offered by governments also enable you to make some money from excessive electricity generated by your panels. Wouldn't it be a checks be a great thing to see in your mailbox every month rather than electrical bills?
Find out more about home solar power systems along with many other informative tips on saving energy. Visit Earth For Energy today; master true the knowledge of using energy.
Acquire useful information on wind power generators, benefits and many other informative tips on energy saving. Learn how to build your own wind turbine today; master the true knowledge of using energy. The design of a home wind turbine is specially made to be environmentally friendly and cost saving. With the presence of harmful greenhouse gases in our environment today, it is recommended to have one of these energy saving systems to reduce the amount of pollutants being produced into our environment.
A home wind turbine generates electrical power by spinning a generator. This generator is attached to the rotor, made up of three aerodynamic blades, that is then attached to a tower. To keep the turbine facing the wind, the rotor has a tail, which acts as weather vain.
The generator is generally an electric motor. As the coils in the motor spins past the magnets, an electric current is produced. The power produced is stored in batteries, which are connected to an inverter that changes the direct current to alternating current, which can then be used to power your home. The advancement of motor efficiency is the main reason why home wind turbines have become so popular among homeowners.
Depending on your area's wind conditions, the tower/support can vary in length. If you stay near the sea where the wind power is more significant, the tower/support can be shorter, but in low-wind areas the tower/support will need to be taller to catch the required amount of wind.
Over time, the blades have improved drastically as researchers developed lighter, stronger, more efficient blades, with the capability of turning even in the lightest breeze. Back in those days, wind turbines had five blades, and looked identical to windmill water pumps, but recently they have moved to three blades, taking the form of over-sized airplane rotors. Like the tower/support, the blades vary in size, according to your wind conditions and energy requirements. Build your own wind turbine and benefit from all its features today.
Benefits of a home wind turbine: * Achieve tax breaks and lower utility bills * Power appliances, charge batteries and generate water pumps * Environmentally friendly machine * Increase your efficiency and never worry about power outages again * Reduce your dependability on exhaustible resources * Ease of Use
Find out more facts and features of a home wind turbine. Acquire useful information on wind power generators, benefits and many other informative tips on energy saving. Learn how to build your own wind turbine today; master the true knowledge of using energy.
The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of gas to electric car conversion is certainly no exception.
See how much you can learn about gas to electric car conversion when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.
With the continuing innovation of technology, Majority of people understand the development of electrical auto conversion kits. However, it has both advantages and disadvantages. The conversion kit which comprises the control mechanism, a motor and a battery. The batteries are chargeable using power produced by the primary engine of the vehicle or by plugging it up to another outlet. Due to environmental concerns and looming oil/fuel hike, Most people from the globe are looking for alternative means in order to convert their vehicle. If you have enough money you can go for an Electric vehicle, though if you don’t have sufficient capital and would like to use your existing vehicle, there are alternative ways on how to keep your vehicle to be converted from gas to an electric vehicle. Converting to an Electric Car is a great answer for our never-ending problem on our environment. Get your kit at www.gas2electricity.com!
It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on gas to electric car conversion. Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of gas to electric car conversion.
Learn more about about the information on electric car conversion kits, you can go to this site at http://www.squidoo.com/gas_to_electric_car_conversion.
Leading allergists agree that wood floors are the perfect choice for a healthy home. According to the American Lung Association wood floors in your bedroom and other main living areas can drastically improve air quality. This is not surprising when a large American company that recycles old carpet has stated that most used carpeting it receives for processing contains at least 35% of its weight in household dirt.
A report by the Healthy Flooring Network draw’s information from several reports and experiments carried out by leading health groups worldwide. It draws broad conclusions on the role fitted carpets play in determining the total allergen load in the home and the importance of this on the severity of allergic disease.
Detailed studies in the UK have found that 50-70% of asthma suffers are allergic to house dust mites. With up to 100,000 dust mites living in just one square metre of carpet and it being reported that 98% of UK homes have fitted carpets it is clear to understand why the UK has the highest prevalence of asthma symptoms in 13-14 year olds in the world at 19.8%, along with the second highest prevalence of eczema.
Carpets that are treated have themselves come in for huge criticisms. When tested 3 out of 4 carpets that were listed as being treated against dust mites contain chemicals of a hazardous nature. Theses chemicals included organotins, phthalates, permethrin, triclosan, brominated flame retardants and formaldehyde. The World Health Organisation has recommended that they are substituted with less hazardous alternatives.
One study showed that the mite allergen concentration in dust from carpets could be 6-14 times higher than that from wood & laminate flooring.
Pet Allergens
Pets are the second most important cause of domestic allergy and over 50% of asthmatic children are sensitised to allergens of cats and/or dogs. Once again the presence of fitted carpets is particularly strongly associated with high pet allergen levels. Even when a pet is removed from a house the allergen levels can remain significantly high.
Points to Note
•Carpets can contain the largest reservoir in total amount of mite allergens in the house
•The presence of carpets in a home can dramatically increase the total mite allergen load compared to having laminate or wood flooring.
•Up to 100,000 mites may live in one square metre of carpet.
•Carpets can harbour 6-14 times more dust mite allergens than laminate or wood flooring.
•The presence of fitted carpets is particularly strongly associated with high pet allergen levels.
Written by Jason Ashby who has over 20 years experience in the flooring trade for more information click here laminate wood flooring info Author: jason ashby more »
Many times I have been asked what is the difference between a landscape architect and a landscape designer. Hopefully the following will answer this question. The American Society of Landscape Architects, ASLA, provides the following:
"Landscape architecture encompasses the analysis, planning, design, management, and stewardship of the natural and built environments. Landscape architectural projects include design of public parks, site planning for commercial and residential properties, land reclamation, urban and community design, and historic preservation. Examples of landscape architecture include Central Park in New York City, TRW’s headquarters outside Cleveland, the “Emerald Necklace” of green spaces and parks in Boston, Sursum Cordan Affordable Housing in Washington, D.C., preservation of Yosemite Park and Niagara Falls, and the landfill reclamation of Fresh Kills in New York. Landscape architects have advanced education, professional training, specialized skills, and are licensed in 47 states."
What is the difference between a Landscape Designer and a Landscape Architect?
The national professional association is the American Society of Landscape Architects, based in Washington. ASLA full members have graduated from an accredited landscape architecture program, have 7 years of education and/or professional experience and are state licensed. In Michigan, as well as all other States, a three (3) day LARE examination administered by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards is required to be passed for state licensure.
Landscape designers do not have these professional credentials. Many state and local governments require designs to be stamped with a state registered Landscape Architect's seal.
What can I expect the landscape architectural design process to be? Various architects may have different approaches, yet all are aimed at the same result. Make sure you're comfortable with the steps that the Landscape Architect defines. A typical process includes:
· Pre-planning - As the client, you discuss your desires with the architect and provide background, priorities, and any basic design guidelines. You'll work together and define the overall scope and timeline. The result will be a proposed budget and statement of work. The landscape architect will then prepare a contract for you to sign.
· Project Planning - Further preliminary details are developed with you about the site and its function and usage. The site is analyzed and the Landscape Architect creates a list of development priorities, which you'll approve.
· Preliminary Design - A review of the site, usage requirements, and environmental conditions are undertaken to create preliminary drawings. The Landscape Architect will show you design and presentation drawings showing the overall site concept. Initial construction cost estimates are provided, which you review and approve.
· Final design - Further detail is added to the concept. Material is selected and initial construction documentation is created. Where necessary, cost estimates are revised.
· Documentation - Additional detailed specifications and drawings are developed and provided to you for approval. The Landscape Architect may give you construction documents to assist you in soliciting bids from contractors and may help you review bids.
Installation - Depending on your contract, the Landscape Architect may play an active role in representing you in your interaction with the contractor and provide on-site supervision. At the close of the project, the Landscape Architect will make a final inspection.
How do I find a good landscape contractor?
If you're going to need referrals to contractors and other service providers as part of your project, ask the Landscape Architect about these people. They will typically have an array of competent people in the industry for you to contact.
What's included in the landscape architecture contract?
Any reputable Landscape Architect will provide a written contract before beginning a project. This agreement will specify in detail the exact work to be done, the work schedule, the amount and payment terms of the landscape architect's fees, and the responsibilities of each party to the contract.
As a registered landscape architect in the State of Michigan and principle architect with Sexton Ennett Design, LC, a landscape architectural firm in southeast Michigan, I am particularly aware of the professional responsibilities related to landscape design. See: http://www.sexton-ennett.com
If there are nay questions please feel free to contact the ASLA or me.
Kimberley Ennett has a Master Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Michigan and is a registered landscape architect in the State of Michigan. She is a principle landscape architect with Sexton Ennett Design, LC, a landscape architectural firm in southeast Michigan. See: http://www.sexton-ennett.com
She is also a breeder of champion Oldenburg warm blood sport horses and am sensitive to the issues of poisonous plants related to equestrian facilities. See: http://www.markimfarms.com
Many people, along with some developers, look at wetlands as a problem in their efforts to build large real estate developments, whether residential or commercial. This is unfortunate. Wetlands are a valuable productive ecosystem and proper architectural landscaping can cope with the “problem”. But first it is important to realize what wetlands represent.
We have mentioned that wetlands are a productive ecosystem. Indeed, they play host to a variety of species including birds, fish and mammals. Wetlands vary according to climate, geological factors and amount of water. Wetlands differ in location for example between Alaska and Florida. Most, however, provide a large amount of food for many animals. They also help moderate worldwide climatic conditions. In view of wetland importance, the United States Government has passed laws that regulate wetlands.
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes a program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands. Activities in waters of the United States regulated under this program include fill for development, water resource projects (such as dams and levees), infrastructure development (such as highways and airports) and mining projects. Section 404 requires a permit before dredged or fill material may be discharged into waters of the United States, unless the activity is exempt from Section 404 regulation (e.g. certain farming and forestry activities).
The basic premise of the program is that no discharge of dredged or fill material may be permitted if: (1) a practicable alternative exists that is less damaging to the aquatic environment or (2) the nation’s waters would be significantly degraded. In other words, when you apply for a permit, you must show that you have, to the extent practicable: · Taken steps to avoid wetland impacts; · Minimized potential impacts on wetlands; and · Provided compensation for any remaining unavoidable impacts.
Proposed activities are regulated through a permit review process. An individual permit is required for potentially significant impacts. Individual permits are reviewed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which evaluates applications under a public interest review, as well as the environmental criteria set forth in the CWA Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. However, for most discharges that will have only minimal adverse effects, a general permit may be suitable. General permits are issued on a nationwide, regional, or State basis for particular categories of activities. The general permit process eliminates individual review and allows certain activities to proceed with little or no delay, provided that the general or specific conditions for the general permit are met.
Builders and developers typical enlist the services of state registered licensed Landscape Architects to assist in this process. Landscape Architects can develop site plans to protect a wetland or the possible relocation of a wetland and assist in obtaining the necessary permits.
Landscape Architects are required to be licensed by the State in which they practice and are usually members of the American Society of Landscape Architects, ASLA. Landscape architecture encompasses the analysis, planning, design, management, and stewardship of the natural and built environments. ASLA full members have graduated from an accredited landscape architecture program, have 7 years of education and/or professional experience and are state licensed. In Michigan, as well as all other States, a three (3) day LARE examination administered by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards is required to be passed for a state licensure.
Landscape designers do not have these professional credentials. Many state and local governments require designs to be stamped with a state registered Landscape Architect's seal, particularly if a wetlands is involved.
As a registered landscape architect in the State of Michigan and principle architect with Sexton Ennett Design, LC, a landscape architectural firm in southeast Michigan, I am particularly aware of the need for wetland protection. See: http://www.sexton-ennett.com
I am also a breeder of champion Oldenburg warmblood sport horses and am particularly sensitive to the issues of wetlands in landscaping equestrian facilities. See: http://www.markimfarms.com
Understand the importance of wetlands and protect them.
Kimberley Ennett has a Master Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Michigan and is a registered landscape architect in the State of Michigan. She is a principle landscape architect with Sexton Ennett Design, LC, a landscape architectural firm in southeast Michigan. See: http://www.sexton-ennett.com
She is also a breeder of champion Oldenburg warm blood sport horses and am sensitive to the issues of poisonous plants related to equestrian facilities. See: http://www.markimfarms.com