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Friday, August 14, 2009

-- Control Pests without Harmful Chemicals

Garden and household pests - unwanted insects, including flies, mosquitoes, fleas, cockroaches, termites, and moths, and intruders like mice and rats - are annoying, destructive, and potentially harmful to the health of humans and pets. But the use of chemical toxins to control these pests is a problem - who knows what some of these chemicals themselves can do to the health of our family members?

Luckily, there are ways to combat these invaders without resorting to potentially poisonous chemicals. Essentially, there are four approaches to pest control; used in combination they can go a long way to eliminating insects and rodents from one's home and outdoor environment.

First, make sure you're not creating the conditions that invite these pests onto your property. Standing water attracts mosquitoes; take a walk through your property and make sure you don't have bowls of water, discarded tires, and other receptacles that can contain rain water. If you find them, get rid of them. Poorly stored food and stray crumbs can attract ants, roaches, and mice. Keep your food stored in airtight containers, wipe down counters, tables, etc., and sweep the floor frequently, discarding the refuse and removing in from the house.

Secondly, provide barriers, either physical or biological, to repel insects and rodents. Properly maintained and installed screens on windows and doors will help block flies and mosquitoes from the home. Simple to use, nontoxic home remedies can repel insects; for instance a brew of catnip tea, sprayed in a solution around cupboards, baseboards, and other areas, particularly in the kitchen and bathroom, can repel cockroaches.

Third, you can add beneficial insects and other organisms to your environment. Adding ladybugs to gardens has been a natural remedy for years: ladybugs just love aphids, and will eat them before the tiny insects can ruin your growing plants. (Some people go so far as to add a gecko or two to their homes; geckos eat cockroaches, and will help keep an infestation under control; you'd have to make up your mind if you really want to live in the same house or apartment with a couple free ranging lizards. If you have small boys, chances are they'll be thrilled!)

Finally, if all else fails, there are compounds, safe to humans with normal use, but deadly to pests, that will eliminate some insects for good. To rid your home of cockroaches, for instance, put containers of boric acid behind counters, in the backs of cupboards, in shelves, and other areas that cockroaches frequent; they'll eat the boric acid and return to their nests, carrying more boric acid with them; the boric acid will kill them and the other inhabitants of their nests. (Make sure you keep the boric acids away from children and pets.)

There are also nontoxic, natural preparations sold commercially which can be used to repel or eliminate pests without adversely impacting your home environment. In short, there are many natural, safe options for eliminating pests that you can use to make sure your home is a comfortable, enjoyable environment for your family, not for unwanted guests.

Author: Aldene Fredenburg

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-- Easy Ways to Save Energy

With this fall's spike in oil and natural gas prices and the further impact Hurricane Katrina will have on this winter's heating oil supplies, it's become more important than ever to make sure our homes are as energy-efficient as possible.

Luckily, there are a number of easy, inexpensive ways to button up your home for winter. Numerous cost-efficient products on the market for your windows and doors will go a long way toward preserving the heat you generate with your heating system.

Make sure your windows and doors are tight. Self-stick foam weather-stripping at the tops and bottom of windows, as well as across the separation between the top and bottom halves of the window, will block out drafts. Additionally, clear plastic, secured to the window frame with double-sided sticky tape, will also block out drafts and create an air barrier between the window and you.

Additional weather-stripping around all four edges of doors will also help to block out the cold. Also, don't forget your water heater! You can buy inexpensive padding to wrap around the unit itself, and sturdy foam insulation for all the pipes.

The way you furnish your home can add to your level of comfort this winter. Thick, insulated drapes will cut back on drafts from windows; wall to wall carpeting will cut back on drafts from cold air coming in from gaps between walls and floors; both wall to wall carpeting and thick area rugs will retain heat and add to your comfort.

Believe it or not, you can lose heat through the switch plates and wall plugs in your outer walls. Another inexpensive product will solve that problem; for three or four dollars you can buy insulated pads to install behind the plates. Simply remove the switch plate, pop in the appropriate padding, and screw the switch plate back on. A single package contains insulated pads suitable for single and double on-off switch plates and two-plug outlets.

Experiment with the way you dress and see if you can turn the thermostat down and still be comfortable. Wear warm fleece; keep your feet warm with thick socks and shoes or fuzzy slippers; even consider wearing a hat indoors. You should be able to turn the thermostat down to at least 68 degrees and still be comfortable. If you have an alternate source of heat - a wood, corn or pellet buring stove - consider using it as a primary source of heat.

If you have thermostats in each room, you may want to consider shutting off the heat in unused rooms, or at least lowering the thermostat in those rooms to 55 degrees. If this is an option, be sure to put weather-stripping around the doors to the unheated rooms.

If you're really strapped for funds, don't hesitate to call your local human services agencies to find out if you can qualify for home heating assistance. As a taxpayer, you've undoubtedly been supporting all kinds of social programs for years, or even decades; don't let embarrassment prevent you from getting help when you need it. Adequate heating isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

If you take careful stock of the heating problems in your home and take a few simple measures to solve those problems, you should be able to minimize the impact rising fuel prices will have on your winter heating budget. Keep warm!

Related Articles - cost-efficient heating products, weather stripping,

Author: Aldene Fredenburg

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-- Lawn Weeds - How You Can Beat Them!

Sometimes it seems as though everything is out to thwart your desire to have that beautiful, healthy, green carpet of lawn. Despite your efforts it is still patchy, brown and attacked by weeds. But don’t give up. It may not be too late.

Most gardeners don’t mind the odd weed as long as the lawn still looks pretty good. However remember that the odd weed in spring could be a large infestation by midsummer if you don’t deal with it. If you mow the lawn once a week you will remove most of the flower stems before they can set seeds. However, many of the lawn weeds grow flat and do not produce flowers on long stems, so these will still flower and set seeds no matter how often you mow. Other methods are needed to treat these weeds. Remember, the earlier you attack the weeds the better as “One year’s seeding makes for seven years weeding!”

The best way to keep your lawn looking great is to keep the grass plants healthy, and then they are less likely to let weeds and pests take over. So first of all take care of the basic needs of your lawn.

If a lot of weeds pop up it could mean that your grass is weaker than it should be. If your lawn is too dry, start with a thorough watering – to a depth of 200mm is recommended. Deep watering done less often is better for your lawn grass than if you water a little and often. It helps it to develop a strong, deep root system that makes the plants stronger and less susceptible to drought. Or alternatively, if you have a persistent problem with a waterlogged lawn you may need to consider laying drainage for which you should consult a professional. Feeding your lawn with the appropriate nutrients will also make the grass stronger.

In spite of trying to make your grass plants as healthy as possible, you are still sure to get some weeds growing in it. Weeding is an ongoing process, but shouldn’t take much time once you establish a healthy lawn. Grass, and especially the modern mixtures, is very competitive and crowds out most weeds. In a healthy lawn weeds aren’t usually much to worry about. Simply pull up any weeds that show up. As you see weeds appearing, dig them up and you’ll keep your lawn weedless with a minimum of effort. Practically speaking though, you will only do this if you have only a few weeds to remove. Constant vigilance is the key to success with this type of weed control.

If your weed problem is larger, spray individual weeds with a low-toxicity herbicide. Don’t spray the entire lawn unless you have weeds throughout it. You will damage, and could kill dry, dormant or stressed grass if you apply a lawn weeder over the whole lawn. Lawn weedkillers are powerful chemicals and you should always follow the manufacturers instructions for preparation, using, storing and disposing of them. Never use more than directed or ‘add a bit more just in case’. You should also identify the sort of grass you have as some types can be damaged by MCPA and dicamba, which are the active ingredients in many weedkillers. Be careful not to allow pets or children near the lawn if you’ve recently sprayed it.

The best way to minimise the amount of chemicals you use is to spot-treat weeds. Use a pump-action sprayer and walk backwards, up and down the length of the lawn spraying a shot of chemical onto each weed. Hold the nozzle as close as you can to the weed and release with a low pressure to minimise spray drift. It does take longer to do this way but it is more thorough and better for the environment. If you tip a bottle of red food colouring or add some wetting agent into the mix, it is easier to see where you have already sprayed.

After a couple of weeks you’ll be seeing results. If there are still a few weeds you’ve missed, dig them out or do the spot treatment again. Remember if you can kill the weeds before they flower and seed, you’re a long way towards having a much smaller problem next spring.

Occasionally you may find a nasty, particularly virulent weed takes over your lawn in which case you need to find out the specific treatment for it from your local garden centre. An example of this is Soliva, also known as lawn burweed, spurweed, bindii, or onehunga weed. It is low growing, has feathery leaves and produces seeds with a short spine on them, which stick into bare feet when you walk on the plants, a particularly unpleasant experience. Although it is only an annual weed it seeds profusely, and its method of spreading by

sticking to feet is extremely successful. It requires a targeted weed killer to be applied at a particular time of the year to be effective against it.

‘Weed and Feed’ products are not generally recommended. For instance, the best time for spraying weeds is not generally the best time for fertilizing your lawn. Also it is unwise to spray unnecessary herbicide over your whole lawn when only a small patch may be infected with weeds. One concern with the hose-on products is spray drifting onto surrounding shrubs. It’s hard to apply these products just to the lawn. Applying fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide where and when it is needed is a better lawn care strategy.

So even if your lawn is less than perfect now, don’t give up. Follow these tips for getting rid of lawn weeds now, and by this time next year you may have all your neighbours asking you for advice!

About the Author

Ellen Smithies has 25 years experience with lawn care and has just released a new information packed guide to great lawns "50 Basic Lawn Care Tips". It’s absolutely FREE. Claim your copy from this link:

Author: Ben Galt

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-- Gum Removal in Land Terminals

One of the most disgusting things is sitting down in a train or bus terminal to wait for your conveyance in comfort, only to discover that you have sat right on top of a wad of gum. This very problem, as well as other similar problems, is what makes gum removal in land terminals so important. Not only is it messy and unsightly to see wads of gum stuck to walls and encountered under seats, but it can also be the cause of public health issues. Gum removal in land terminals is important not only for the aesthetic value of an area, but also for the health implications.

Chewing gum is everywhere. Even in the very land terminals that experience chewing gum pollution, chewing gum machines dispense gum almost constantly. This means that there is a ready supply of the gum. And when it becomes stale, it is discarded by the chewer. And while there are receptacles ready to take care of the nuisance, many people thoughtlessly stick their chewing gum to a wall or under a seat. Gum removal in land terminals can help reduce the nuisance, and it helps make the terminals less of breeding grounds for germs.

How gum removal in land terminals impact public health

Every wad of chewing gum has the germs, located in the saliva, of whoever chewed it. Therefore, where chewing gum soiling is present there are also plenty of germs crawling around on the surface of the gum. Not only that, but the sticky nature of chewing gum allows it to trap dirt and other small particles from the air, meaning that it makes such areas even dirtier. And germs and dirt lead to disease. Gum removal in land terminals is a matter of public health, even when those terminals are privately owned.

The problem with gum removal in land terminals is the amount of gum present. This means that many cleaning supplies are needed for proper gum removal. Commercial cleaners can be rather expensive, as can some other commercial remedies, such as aerosol freezing solutions. And using an ice cube really is not all that practical. Plus, a great deal of work is still involved in scraping the gum free from its anchorage.

In order to make the removal of gum go much more smoothly, one needs something that goes beyond traditional chewing gum removers. And that is what a special solution called Gum-Out does. Gum-Out, which has been on the market for 20 years, is a major contribution to cleaning technology. Gum-Out release agent is applied by a special plastic injector and breaks the bond between the gum and the surface to which it is stuck. Its unique technique removes gum with relative ease, and is fairly inexpensive. It is available at, and it can make the task of gum removal in terminals much easier. Each bottle of Gum-Out if used as directed will remove up to 125 lumps of chewing gum.

Author: J ONeal

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-- Satellite TV Service -- Is DIRECTV or DISH Network Better?

Since the demise of Pegasus and VOOM, there are just two satellite TV service providers battling it out for the top spot -- DIRECTV and DISH Network.

Both companies provide excellent service, all-digital broadcast quality, and great customer service. The main difference between the two companies is the programming they provide.

How Satellite TV Service Works

Satellite TV providers such as DIRECTV and DISH Network send a broadcast signal carrying television programming to a satellite orbiting above the earth. The Satellite then broadcasts the signal back down to earth.

This signal is picked up by a satellite TV dish then transmitted to a receiver where it is amplified and sent to a TV screen.

Benefits of Satellite TV Service

* Satellite TV is broadcast in all-digital format, providing the highest quality picture and sound available.

* Satellite TV gives you access to hundreds of different programs, pay-per-view movies, special events, and commercial-free music channels.

* Satellite TV utilizes DVR (digital video recording) receivers so you can record your favorite programs and bypass commercials while watching live TV.

* Satellite TV is much more reliable than cable or over-the-air TV. Broadcast outages average only 1% as opposed to 3%-5% for cable.

Satellite TV Services


DIRECTV was launched in 1994 and was the first DBS (direct broadcast satellite) service in the world. It is currently the largest satellite TV provider with 14.5 million subscribers. It is ranked #2 in customer satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates.

DIRECTV offers more than 225 channels of programming, including movie channels, music channels, pay-per-view movies and events, sports packages, and international programming.

DIRECTV has the most sports program packages, including NFL Sunday Ticket.

When you order DIRECTV programming, the system -- satellite TV dish and receivers -- is free for up to four rooms. Installation is also free.

Program packages start at $41.99 a month for 135 channels (which includes 31 music channels), plus HBO, Showtime, and Starz.

Note: To find out about DIRECTV's latest special offers and free bonuses, click on the links at the bottom of this article.

DISH Network

DISH Network was launched in 1996 and is the second-largest satellite TV provider with

more than 12 million subscribers. It is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates.

DISH Network offers more than 255 channels of programming, including movie channels, music channels, pay-per-view movies and events, sports packages, and international programming.

Dish Network has the biggest variety of movies and shows and the most HD (high definition) programming.

When you order DISH Network programming, the system -- satellite TV dish, receivers, and installation -- is free for up to four rooms.

Program packages start at $31.99 a month for 60 channels plus HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax.

Note: To find out about DISH Network's latest special offers and free bonuses, click on the links at the bottom of this article.

Bottom Line

If you're a sports fan and want the most sports packages -- including the popular NFL Sunday Ticket which allows you to watch almost all the NFL football games -- then DIRECTV is the way to go.

If you're a movie buff and want the biggest variety of movies and shows, and the most HD (high definition) programming, then Dish Network is what you're looking for.

About The Author

Brian Stevens is a professional freelance writer and webmaster who has written extensively on satellite TV service.

Author: Brian Stevens

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-- Alaska Drilling. Is it Necessary?

Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has become a controversial issue when Republicans included the measure in a major defense bill. According to Democrats and moderate Republicans the piece of legislation was embedded in a major defense bill that couldn’t be turned down. The total bill passed 306 voting for it and 106 against (House Approves drilling, 2005).

The new defense bill will hopefully reduce the federal deficit by 40 billion over the next 5 years (House Approves drilling, 2005). In addition to deficit reduction some of the money will go for military supplies, helping hurricane victims and subsidizing heat to those in poverty. Republicans feel that the measures are necessary if the White House fiscal obligations will again be on track.

In 1987 a report directed to Congress indicated that there were 26 major oil fields in Alaska (Adams, 1995). These oil fields could potentially supply 10 billion barrels pumped at 365 million barrels a year (Cowen & Doggett, 2005). It would take over 27 years to remove all of the oil.

Even though, without doubt, that the oil revenues would help the economy and the local Alaskan population, the necessity of protecting one of the U.S.’s largest natural reserves remains unresolved. Native peoples who are strapped for cash and rising oil prices which damper the nation’s economy are pitted against environmentalists who want to protect the multitudes of endangered species.

Since humans love to consume and make little effort to conserve natural resources there must be a balance against damaging natural preserves further in an attempt to furnish people’s needs and protecting unspoiled land. By keeping the area relatively untouched businesses and governments will be forced to upgrade their fuel efficiency reducing the nation’s dependence on natural resources. By opening the ANWR to only a small amount of oil mining instead of the full array of oil companies proposed by the government we can help push the nation into a stronger economic future that is less dependent than competing nations.

Adams, Jacob (1995, June). Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Barrow, Alaska. Artic Circle. Extracted December 19th, 2005 from

Author: Murad Ali

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-- What are Carbon Offsets: Going Green and Creating Green Power Projects

As we all become more aware of our collective responsibility as stewards of our planet, capitalism has produced a verifiable mechanism for reducing carbon emissions, creating clean energy and engaging us all with the ability to minimize the damage we do to our environment.

Carbon Offsets are a simple way for all of us to create a better environment for ourselves, our kids and, the big one, our grandchildren. More selfishly, we all need clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. And especially those of us who live in Arizona, we don’t really want it to get any hotter on Summer Days!

Buying Carbon Offsets for Your Home Costs Less than a Day of Air Conditioning

While Reducing, Reusing and Recycling are key in preventing climate change, offsetting your carbon emissions is the next great step in the preservation of our environment for generations to come. The Carbon Calculator Math is below, or you could use a Carbon Footprint Calculator at

To offset your carbon emissions simply means to neutralize your part in the polluting of our environment. In technical terms, a carbon offset is a certificate representing the reduction of one metric ton (2,205 lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions. What you are doing when you carbon offset is to use money to pay for your carbon footprint. That money, in turn goes to support carbon projects that reduce the amount of carbon in the air. It is a balancing act. These certified (meaning third-party verified) projects, such a reforestation, need financial backing to make them viable, so the carbon offset is a valuable investment.

Since carbon dioxide emissions are the principal cause of climate change, purchasing carbon offsets is key to promoting a greener environment. Every ton of emissions reduced will result in the creation of one certified carbon offset.

When you offset your personal carbon emissions, you are doing your much-needed part in helping to put an end to global warming and climate change. In addition to making the world a better place, you just might also score a few popularity points with your friends and family.

There is no question that we have a problem. The only question is how people will interpret and react to the problem. A number of people maintain that the world isn’t in a crisis. George Carlin speculated that the Earth just needed plastic, and now that it has it, the humans are no longer needed! That is certainly one perspective.

The Challenge is not so much Global Climate Change, but more of a personal one. Do we

want to live in a clean world or a dirty one! Do we want to be subject to wars over fossil fuels? Are we, as individuals, stewards of business, operators of government, and elected officials, willing to take action to right the environmental wrongs we might create? The global becomes personal.

Buying Carbon Offsets is one way to deploy our resources towards a better Future. The best first step is to always think about the very real consequences of your actions. Protecting our air and water isn’t something that can be taken care of by someone else, we have to do it for ourselves.

To take an active role in neutralizing your carbon emissions today use our individual carbon calculator (

About the Author:
Dr. Ken Pollock is EcoAid’s Chief Executive Officer, sets the strategy for the company. Read more of his articles at In addition, he will be launching in the near future to provide the training and tools for individuals, businesses and institutions. He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering.

Author: Dr. Ken Pollock

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-- Types of Indoor Greenhouse

Indoor Greenhouse is an adorable extension of your garden which is brought into your home to add a beautiful environment-friendly atmosphere. This is a very unique home accent but the most natural among others. There are many different sizes and shapes of this plant home which is especially designed for interior purposes.

Usually, this type of greenhouse is not as sophisticated as those placed on the garden or backyard of your home. This is generally the open type compared to those of its counterparts which are equipped with built-in doors. The reason is this indoor greenhouse is already sheltered under the roof of your home. It is a shelter under a shelter.

The cute plants on the houses shelves receive the passive light of the sun without getting too much exposure to the ultra-violet rays. Indoor Greenhouse makes a beautiful accent at your front door. It is also a great way to protect seedlings from frost for an early start. It is easy to set up in no less than an hour, and you have your mini plant shelter in the interior.

You can watch the process they undergo as they develop. All these are done in the safety of your home with your plants. There is no need for you to go out to the garden to see how they are. With this kind of environment added to your home, you now enjoy the chance to observe how plants do things at day and night time.

Indoor Greenhouse can change the appearance of your home with the presence of these plant homes all around your home. It has many fantastic shapes and features that can be used to accentuate the interior and exterior of your home. You can have as many of these shelters as they can be accommodated in your home.

Author: Benedict Perez

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-- Organic Yields Are Better Than Conventional, Including GM Crops

There are many claims being bruited about that organic farming yields can never produce enough to meet the food demands of the growing global population. This is a myth.

At the turn of the century, a New Scientist editorial declared that organic farming methods, using natural fertilisers and natural means of pest control, were increasing harvests from poor farms worldwide by at least 1.7 times more than the original yields using conventional methods.

University of Essex professor Jules Pretty says there is ample evidence gathered from 20 countries that more than 4 million hectares are being farmed through organic techniques and produce enough food for at least 2 million families.

In Kenya, for example, AusAID has helped the poor Makuyu community produce organically grown maize at yields that are 1.6 times higher than maize crops grown in comparable farms with chemical nutrients. Where food production was never enough before when they were using chemical fertilisers, they can now produce a surplus which they sell and the profits ploughed back. Professor Pretty has more examples of farmers in Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and other countries experiencing yield increases when they shifted from using synthetic chemicals to organic farming techniques.

But, it may be argued, this experience comes only from impoverished communities and small farms. Does it hold true for the large-scale farms of the developed world?

In fact, it does. Wheat organically grown with manure in the UK has produced higher harvests year after year than wheat conventionally grown with chemical fertilisers, writes Professor George Monbiot in the Guardian. In a Washington State University comparative analysis of conventional, integrated and organic farming systems utilised in apple production, the researchers found that organic systems produced equivalent yields to the other systems. The big difference was in the period needed to reach break-even point on investments in the farm: organic farming system had a break-even point of nine years, while conventional farming had 15 years and integrated farming had 16 years. Organic farming also had better impact on the environment than the other systems.
In trials conducted by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries, researchers found that organically grown wheat had a yield of 3.23 tonnes per hectare while conventional wheat had only 2.22 tonnes.

In a separate study involving large farms in seven industrialised countries, Professor Pretty found that when a farm switches from conventional to organic farming, yields initially go

down by around 10-15 per cent but these soon increase and continue rising. He observed that in the United States, the top 25 per cent of organic farms produce consistently higher yields than comparable conventional farms and yet have much better environmental outcomes.

What about genetically modified (GM) crops? The performance of organic farming practices is superior even compared to GM crops. A study on GM crops in Europe by London’s Institute of Science in Society observed so much variation in crop results that the inescapable conclusion was GM crops could not really be relied upon to produce stable yields. In Argentina, which is among the top three GM-crop producers, the focus on GM crops resulted instead in soaring foreign debt partly due to dependence on imported agricultural inputs required to support the crops.

There is much evidence that organic farming practices produce higher — and more sustainable — yields than crops grown with chemical fertilisers or from GM seeds. Many experts now believe the only way to feed the increasing population is through sustainable, organic agriculture.

Author: Helen Disler

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

-- The Importance of Carbon in the Soil and How it Gets Stored

Soil organic carbon, which makes up about 60% of the soil organic matter on average, has beneficial effects on many physical, chemical and biological functions of soil quality. It helps support the productivity and diversity of all living organisms in the soil. It influences water-holding capacity, aeration, soil aggregation, and other physical aspects. It affects cation exchange capacity, the supply and availability of other nutrient elements, buffering capacity and other chemical parameters of soil. Soil organic matter, with soil carbon, holds vast amounts of organic compounds, nutrients, trace elements, and cations that are essential to plant growth and biological activity.

Soil organic carbon is also important for another reason: it serves as a repository for carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas. The amount of carbon in the soil has been estimated to be at least two times greater than carbon in the atmosphere and in vegetation. The problems associated with climate change might be alleviated if more carbon remains captured in the soil as organic carbon.

Plants get carbon mainly by absorbing CO2 from the air and they use it with water to manufacture organic material. Eventually, carbon may comprise at least 50% of plant structure. When plants and animals die, decomposition breaks down their organic material and releases them into the soil.

Soil organic carbon is usually divided into different fractions, determined by the ease of decomposition. Crop residues and the like are easily broken down and the organic carbon is used in biological activity. Particulate organic carbon breaks down more slowly and plays a key role in soil structure; it also contributes to energy and nutrients needed in biological activity. Humus decomposes much more slowly and is especially crucial in providing nutrient elements. Finally, there is the very stable fraction of recalcitrant organic carbon, usually charcoal, which resists further decomposition and serves as a carbon sink.

The manner in which land is used and managed affects the soil’s ability to retain organic carbon.

Soil organic carbon is reduced by farm management practices that raise the decomposition rate of soil organic materials and/or reduce carbon inputs. Such practices include fallowing, overgrazing, burning or removal of stubble, and excessive cultivation (tillage). Essentially, these practices increase the rate of decomposition and expose the soil to erosion — processes that release carbon dioxide into the air instead of allowing carbon to be assimilated into other organic compounds in the soil.

Soil organic carbon is increased by farming practices that increase carbon inputs and/or decrease losses of organic material. The practices involved include direct applications of living organisms (earthworms) or dead organic materials, animal manure, composts, reduced tillage and stubble retention for green manure. Theoretically, any practice that raises crop yields will increase soil organic carbon storage because there is greater absorption of atmospheric carbon. Thus, practices like crop rotation, crop intensification through multiple cropping, and improved cultivars are useful, provided inorganic fertilisers are not used to boost yields.
Many farmers have found that adopting farm management practices that increase soil organic carbon helps them achieve higher profitability and better sustainability. The mitigating effects on climate change provide an added bonus.

Author: Helen Disler

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-- Drinking Water Containers - Fashionable & Eco-Friendly

You would think there’s not a decent source of water for thousands of miles, considering the billions of dollars we spend on bottled drinking water. Containers with a brand name attached give us the impression that somehow we are guaranteeing our safety or quality. Not only is this an expensive misconception, needlessly wasting our money and energy, we desecrate our planet and our environment.

Every year, Americans alone consume and dispose of 60,000,000 bottles daily. While the recycling emphasis is “fashionable”, only one out of 10 bottles actually gets recycled. The rest pile up in our landfills, potentially sitting there for the next millennium. Sadly, many not properly disposed of end up in the habitats of other life, detrimental to its existence.

In reality, each plastic drinking water container requires 3-5 times the water to produce than it can actually hold. Generally speaking, plastic bottles are petroleum based and require as much as 2,000 times more energy than that from the tap to produce. It is little wonder that we often pay several times that of a gallon of gas for just such convenience; in essence, we are squandering even more of our oil producing these bottles.

There are less wasteful and even convenient alternatives. Many are drinking in style with aluminum, glass, or stylish mugs, filled straight from the tap. If taste is an issue, consider a filter for your faucet or your home. There are some companies now offering the best of both options, drinking water containers that have small dispensable filters fixed at their tops.

Now that you know this, find yourself a drinking water container that can be used over and over again. Not only will you be saving money, but will be saving your planet and environment. What you drink from can be yet another way in which you personalize and express yourself; keeping the Earth in mind does so in more ways than one!

Matthew Renner is an ardent advocate of healthy living and researcher on water purifiers. His

Matthew Renner is an ardent advocate of healthy living and researcher on water purifiers. His site is and discover which purifiers are recommended, after careful comparison, for the purest, cleanest water.

Author: Matthew Renner

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-- How An Erosion Mat Keeps Slopes From Disappearing

Erosion is a problem in almost every environment all over the world. To solve this, erosion mats are used. If an erosion mat is to be implemented, then there are two types to choose from.

For a non-channel area, an erosion mat that can be rolled out to protect the topsoil from rainfall and wind damage should be used. This is a covering to protect the barren topsoil from wind and water erosion. The covering is regularly made of a biodegradable material like straw or coconut fiber, but other types of plant life can be used. They are regularly held together with biodegradable matting or netting component. This is also made of a biodegradable substance so that it only lasts until vegetation has established a root system that holds the dirt in together. Another effect of using an erosion mat is that moisture is captured with this form of covering. This side bonus is a major contributor to the generation of plant life. This is mainly used on small sloping areas. The steeper the grade of the slope, the more netting material is required to keep the soil in place with a protective covering.

There is also a channel erosion mat. These are made up of the same material as a non-channel mat, but also include wood chips. Unlike the non-channel erosion mats, this type of mat is specifically created to hold up during unexpected formations of channeled water. These types of mats are also very effective in temporary channels or channels that have inconsistent water present.

This erosion matting is rolled and put into place for the same reason as the non-channel mat, and that is to give plant life a chance to establish a root system. There are three different types of classes of this protective mat. The right class for your application will be determined by the sheer stress needed and duration for the mat to remain before returning to its natural state.

Additional information can be found regarding how an erosion control blanket can be used to keep dust contained, especially in construction areas where dust is most prevalent. Check out the Dust Stop Zone for more Free information.

Author: Mark Sierra

Related Articles - erosion, mat,

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-- Geothermal Heating and Cooling Technology... How Does it Work?

How does a geothermal heat pump work?

ge·o·ther·mal: of or using the heat of the earth's interior

Above the ground we can expect to experience dramatic temperature changes throughout the year. However, just a few feet below the Earth's surface the temperature remains more constant at around 50 to 60°F. A geothermal heat pump takes advantage of these more mild temperatures through a series of pipes and a heat exchanger.

In winter, when ground temperatures hover around 50° F, these systems pump fluid underground through a series of buried pipes, called a loop. The fluid becomes naturally heated, circulates back into the home, and an electrically driven compressor and heat exchanger concentrate the Earth’s energy and releases it inside the home at a higher temperature.

In summer, the process is reversed. The underground loop draws excess heat from the house and allows it to be absorbed by the Earth. The system cools your home in the same way that a refrigerator keeps your food cool - by drawing heat from the interior, not by blowing in cold air.

As with any heat pump, geothermal and water-source heat pumps are able to heat, cool, and, if so equipped, supply the house with hot water. Some models of geothermal systems are available with two-speed compressors and variable fans for more comfort and energy savings. They are smaller than a traditional heating/cooling unit and can easily be retrofitted into any home.

Author: Clint Egg

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-- The Detrimental Effects of Chemicals on Soil Fungi

Fungi and bacteria in the soil are the primary recyclers of nutrients in the soil. Whilst bacteria are much more numerous, fungi provide greater biomass because they are relatively bigger. Fungi may be responsible for greater amounts of nutrient retention and soil organic matter formation than bacteria.

Decomposers. Saprophytes play key roles in SOM production because of their ability to help decompose both plant and animal remains, including animal dung. Animal hair, hooves, claws and feathers become food for particular fungal species, and many moulds thrive on animal droppings. A succession of saprophytes colonise debris on the ground. Sugar fungi break down simple sugars but not the complex sugar chains known as cellulose and hemicelluloses, or the lignins that hold them together. Sugar fungi are eventually replaced by brown rot fungi, which digest cellulose and hemicelluloses and, when they have accomplished their work, leave behind a brown, crumbly residue rich in lignin. The white rot fungi that replace them have the ability to digest lignin, the residue most resistant to decomposition, and leave behind wood strips that look bleached and stringy.

Parasites. Parasitic fungi can seriously damage crop plants. The presence of a host plant is necessary for parasitic fungi to proliferate. Normally, they are specific to certain crops or species, but some can affect several plant species. Continuous planting of the host plant will encourage growth of parasitic fungi, so it is important to promote high biodiversity in farm soils.

Mutualists. Called mycorrhizae (myco=fungi; rhizo=root), these fungi invade plant roots but form mutually beneficial relationships which result in better plant nutrition. Many plants probably cannot survive without the mychorrhizae. They extract sugars from plant roots to obtain energy. In exchange, plants gain a lot more in terms of root protection from soil-borne disease-causing organisms and parasites, and better growth rates. Mychorrhizae also produce glomalin, a type of protein, which is important in soil aggregate formation. Glomalin acts as a glue to bind plant cells, fungi, bacteria and microorganisms with soil particles to form larger particles of organic matter which help in providing good soil porosity, promoting water infiltration, and facilitating drainage. At least 90% of agricultural plants form symbiotic relations with mycorrhizae.

In terms of interaction with cultivated plants, the mycorrhizae would be of greatest interest to farmers. Mycorrhizae promote root development, increase uptake of nutrient elements (especially nitrogen and phosphorus), protect plants against pests, diseases and drought, and improve soil aggregation.

The detrimental effects to farm soil, and consequently farm yields, from the use of chemicals involve the mycorrhizae. Insecticides and systemic fungicides can decimate mychorrhizal populations when applied, while herbicides may remove plants that affect fungi distribution. Methyl bromide, a broad-spectrum biocide, is usually used to kill parasitic nematodes and pathogenic fungi, but it also kills mycorrhizal fungi.

Mycorrhizae also become ineffective in soil conditions where nutrient levels are very high or very low. In very low nutrient-level conditions, their sugar extraction activity from plants has a parasitic effect. Their effectiveness is reduced when there is a good supply of phosphorus. Generally, mycorrhizae are most efficient in soils of relatively low fertility that receive little inorganic fertiliser. They are also quite active in soils with ample organic matter, where crops are rotated but with little or no tillage.

Author: Helen Disler

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-- What is Renewable Energy

What is Renewable Energy? Renewable energy is that source of energy that does not diminish and gets their replenishment of energies from other natural sources like wind, sun, flowing water, geothermal flows of heat and biological processes.

With the depletion in resources of fossil fuel there seems to be a growing demand for solutions that can generate the same output but will not die out at the same time. Using renewable energy resources also is environmentally friendly as we are only taking what nature has to offer, and generating energy from it.

Almost 18 % of energy consumption globally was from renewable energy sources in the year 2006. The Geysers in United States, California is one of the world's largest geothermal installations. The leader in Ethanol fuel is Brazil, this fuel drawn out of sugarcane, is used to drive vehicles. The highest ownership in household solar is Kenya, where most of the households draw their energy from solar power stations.

With so much happening globally in terms of renewable resources, several countries now have passed legislations that will help increase its use. This has seen a trend in increase in market demand for newer technologies in the renewable energy resource industry.

Renewable energy is definitely cost effective and since it can be renewed there is no fear of running out of that source of energy since it is Mother Nature that renews it. As renewable energy resources offer a definitive supply of energy it definitely reduces the dependency on other non renewable energy supplies. Use of renewable energy is also environmentally friendly as it reduces the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, making it possible for a cleaner and greener environment.

The use of renewable energy is currently recorded at 15.5% gross in Denmark and is higher than 27% of other generated electricity. By the year 2025, the Danish government proposes to see an increase in the renewable energy consumption upto 30%
The various types from where energy can be drawn are;

Solar Thermal Energy

Wind Power
Wave Power
Geothermal Energy
Biofuel Technologies
Heat Pumps
Waste Incineration

The energy that we now use like petrol and gas are all drawn from non renewable resources, and with it being exploited to the fullest, it won't be long when we run out of these sources. Why not make use of what Mother Nature has to offer!

The author recommends visiting for finding information on global warming, climate changes, bio energy, renewable energy, wind power energy, clean energy, climate solutions, energy saving and energy reduction as well as get knowledge of energy efficient materials and equipment.

Author: Henning M

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-- Environmental Technologies

Human activities have resulted in a lot of waste being produced along with sinful damage to the environment. It is essential for managing the ever growing pollution globally and this can be done with effective management and technology. To reduce the impact of pollution that is caused by industrialisation and the constant abuse to the environment in general it is essential for technologies to come forward to minimize the effects inorder to conserve the environment.

If there is a steady dip in energy polluting emissions because of its consumption, it will see a definite increase in efficient technologies that will aim at providing a resourceful and cleaner solution, thereby reducing waste disposal issues. It is therefore necessary to create processes that are both friendly to the environment and as well as economically. One example that can be cited is of the traditional use of petroleum and coal for the use of energy can be replaced by solar power which is environmentally friendly as well.

Some Technologies involved in building and keeping the environment alive are;

Water purification is of great importance worldwide, and with the world consumption of water only increasing it is imperative that water is cleaned for the environment. There are several activists and campaigns that are organised the world over and are engaged in helping to purify water.

Recycling is a method by which items can be recycled in such a way that it is viable for usage all over again. This is a phenomena that has caught on worldwide and also helps protect the environment from being used all over again to produce utilities like recyclable paper, cans etc. This reduces the waste pollution in the world.

Sewage treatment is almost similar to that of water purification. This treatment ensures that impurities in water are removed with regards to levels in pollution. Polluted water cannot be used and water that is treated and impurities taken off can be supplied, since clean non polluted water is what can be used.

Solid waste management is the disposal, reuse, purification, treatment and consumption of solid waste material and is usually the responsibility of the ruling government of the town or city and if done appropriately is known as waste management.

Renewable Energy is energy that is drawn from renewable sources like water, sun and wind. And effectively using it to our advantage will help ensure that materials like wood,

petroleum and coal do not get extinct.

With proper and efficient Environmental Technology management, we can surely make sure that our environment is treated with respect.

The author recommends visiting for finding information on global warming, climate changes, bio energy, renewable energy, wind power energy, clean energy, climate solutions, energy saving and energy reduction as well as get knowledge of energy efficient materials and equipment.

Author: Henning M

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-- Wastewater Treatment with biodegradable flocculants: Power of `natto`

Just by adding and stirring (1 agent, 1 process) 'PG alpha 21Ca' to polluted water, it separates supernatant water with better turbidity, BOD, and COD, and sediments in a short time. This high-molecular flocculent adsorbs strongly the exogenous incretion disturbance substance (Environmental hormone ), like dioxin.

By using this high-molecular flocculent, it is possible to draw and collect easily floc (flocculated contaminants) with magnetism. As a result, the process of filtration becomes unnecessary. The process of filtration occupies the large portion of cost of the water treatment. Also it is possible to use combining with the existing flocculent.

Compare to the traditional processing system with PAC or polymer coagulant, it enables simple and secure process by just installing volumetric powder feeder.

What is Polyglutamic Acid (PGA)? Principal component of Natto’s gooey Nylon-structure-like polymer.

Because of its safeness, it is used for medicine’s capsule, food, cosmetic product, and medicinal product.

Not only Natto but also Natto bacillus is used to get polyglutamic acid, and since it uses very difficult technology to take it out, the product results in high cost.

Features: - Fast formation of flocs and their fast precipitation. - 4 approved patents. 10 pending. - Can take care of dioxin. - Can be used for a wide range of pH (4-12) of water. - Small changes in pH compared to other methods. - It is very safe since its ingredients are natural. - Can effectively remove heaby metals in water. - Can reduce cost of sludge treatment since proportion of water in flocs is quite low. ($0.01/Litre) - Can be used together with other flocculants, such as PAC.

Natural mineral = Calcium sulfate Calcium carbonate Sodium carbonate Aluminum sulfate

Cross-linked PGA = Polyglutamic Acid

Necessary dosage is really depending on the wastewater condition. However, 50ppm if used for typical pond water. 100ppm is a good starting point to test industrial wastewater.

Poly-Glu has been used to treate from pond water to red tide.

Video clip from documentary TV, "Gaiya no Yoake" (English Subtitled)

Author: Shin Mitsuda
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-- Geothermal (GeoExchange) Heat Pump Technology is Poised to Support Economic Recovery and Long-Term

The stimulus package is intended to create and save 3.6 million jobs and jumpstart the economy with economic recovery tax cuts and targeted investments. In addition to putting money back in the pockets of consumers and businesses, the package also includes provisions that will help achieve long-term goals, such as improving energy efficiency in both the public and private sectors. Among those provisions, the plan calls for a disbursement of $6.9 billion to state and local governments for energy efficiency upgrades and the reduction of carbon emissions, which amounts to an average of $100 million to each state. By investing a portion of this $100 million in rebates or low interest loans to homeowners who replace their old fossil fuel or electric furnaces with geothermal heat pumps, the country would definitely make progress toward the goals of the stimulus package. States that have invested in similar programs were able to create hundreds of green collar jobs while significantly increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

Green Jobs. An additional state $2,000 rebate on the purchase of a geothermal heat pump – or the availability of low interest loans – could generate an additional 200 heat pump sales every month in a typical state, or 2,400 geothermal heat pump unit sales at the end of the first year. Further, every 18 heat pump installations can create one new job. By the end of the first year that means 133 new green collar jobs can be created (2,400 units divided by 18 installations per job). At $2,000 per unit, the total cost of a job creation/energy efficiency rebate program would be $4.8 million over the course of a year.

Every geothermal heat pump requires 24 hours of manufacturing labor and 32 hours of installation labor. Small businesses involved in the installation include heating and air conditioning contractors, electricians, plumbers, excavators and drilling machine operators. These businesses have the capacity and technical skills to begin installing green geothermal technology in more homes immediately.

Reduced Carbon Footprint. In addition to creating jobs, a rebate program and the ensuing installation of geothermal heat pumps would cut an average four metric tons of carbon emissions per year per unit due to the high energy efficiency of geothermal heat pump technology. This means that for the average unit life of 24.4 years, 97.6 metric tons of emissions could be eliminated over the lifetime of each unit, and 234,240 tons over the lifetime of every 2,400 units sold through a state rebate program.

A recent report published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory estimated that aggressive deployment of GHPs could achieve 35 to 40 percent of a recommended carbon reduction path for the U.S. building sector. The full report can be downloaded at

If every state takes at least five percent of the funding available through the energy efficiency portion of the stimulus package and invests it in a geothermal heat pump incentive, there couldn’t be a more cost effective, greener way to put people back to work, save fossil fuel, reduce carbon emissions and save homeowners thousands of dollars per year for the next 24 years. It’s the stimulus that keeps on stimulating.

Economic Recovery. The stimulus package funding is critical to a U.S. heating and air conditioning industry that has been hit hard by the recession. The collapse of the residential new construction market and the lack of consumer financing have slammed the industry over the past two years, and heating system sales were down to levels not seen since 1970.

Geothermal heat pumps are built by manufacturers in the United States at domestic plants

in nine states, and geothermal heat pump systems are operating and saving energy in all 50 states and are being exported around the globe.

For more information contact the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium at 888.255.4436 or or the GeoExchange Forum .

Author: Penny Smith

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-- Did you know the earth can heat and cool your home while saving on energy costs over the long term?

Just below the earth's surface, the temperature remains relatively constant throughout the year by absorbing half the sun's energy. Geothermal heat pumps tap into this natural ground source of energy reducing heating costs up to 60%, and cooling costs by 25% in summer months. GHP's have three components: a ground heat pump, a closed pipe system, and the air delivery system. Buried in the ground is the closed loop, which is a continuous loop of polyethylene pipe. It's filled with water or an anti-freeze solution and connected to an indoor heat pump, forming an underground loop. The system circulates water through underground pipes that ultimately carry water through the home’s air transfer unit. In the heating mode, the liquid in the pipes is cooler than the ground. In the cooling mode, the soil is cooler than the liquid.

Geothermal technology has been around for a while, but is gradually becoming more popular. A geothermal system costs about twice as much as a conventional heating and cooling system; however, the energy savings combined with the new tax credit on these systems, most people make their investment back in three to five years. In Florida, that could mean a savings of up to $40 a month on air conditioning bills.

Author: Art Smith

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-- Does Chloramine In Water Pose A Grave Danger?

Although a necessary evil in order to protect us from the threat of waterborne disease, chloramine in water poses at least as grave a danger. The number of people that die every year from the diseases caused by microscopic parasites and bacteria in their water supply is staggering. Every country in the world needs to have a disinfection system in place for their water supply.

Out of all of the chemicals that man has invented over time, those of chloramines are the family of chemicals that are the best suited for keeping our water clean. They are able eradicate the vast majority of the microbial threats found in our drinking water, which others have failed to do. Let’s take a look at why it is widely thought that these chemicals could be as dangerous as the diseases that they protect us from.

The introduction of chloramine in water came about more than a century ago. The main component then was chlorine, which would later become famous as the chlorine or mustard gas that was used as a chemical weapon during the course of World War I. This agent proved to be highly effective at killing humans during this period, so what made the people of the time think that it was safe to use as a disinfectant?

The truth is that many of those people did not trust these chemicals, and advised against their use. These folks were overruled however, and it has taken nearly one hundred years of compiled data to show the scientific and medical communities that the naysayers had it right. Waterborne disease may kill you quickly, but the chloramines family will kill you just as outright.

What was discovered during the last century is that since the inception of chlorine disinfection the rate of cancer in the countries that practice drinking water disinfection rose dramatically. It has been claimed by some that chloramine in water is directly responsible for why these numbers have risen at such a startling rate.

You have to take measures now in order to ensure that the same fate does not befall you or your loved ones, as has befallen so many over the years. There are reasonably priced measures that you can take that will effectively prevent chloramines, and other cancer causing agents in your water from affecting your health.

To remove any remaining parasites, cysts, toxic metals, and chloramine in water, what you need to do is purchase and install a home water purification system that employs four distinct filters that together will remove all categories of contaminants from your water. These are a multi media block, a sub micron filter, an ion exchange, and an activated granular carbon filter.

You can purchase a top rated system that features all four of these filters for the modest price of $125. They are simple to install, and will give you years of use. With the choice of the right home water purification system you will never have to be concerned about chloramine in water, or anything else for that matter.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of Water Purification Systems. Visit his website now at : to discover which Water Purification Systems Gordon recommends after far ranging comparisons.

Author: Gordon Hall

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-- Tussocks And The Environment

Have you ever heard of Tussocks, Sudds, Floatons or Drifting Islands? For those who aren’t abreast with these things, simply put, they are Drifting masses of mud, peat, and aquatic plants. plant roots and other organic rubble also assists to make these islands. These islands can be a few square feet in size or a several hundred acres in size. These naturally occurring islands can be found everywhere. They are more usually found in lakes and fenland.

Tussocks are made often of cattails, bulrush, sedge and reeds that have extended from the shoreline of a marshland area. Overhanging flora will build up around the shoreline. This could happen as a result of low water levels; water plant tips may try to reach the water, which results in hanging and finally separation. Marine organisms prosper under the drifting mats. Finally, a harsh weather or storms tears off the portion. Then it starts to transmigrate and attaches to another landform. This newly formed tussock then drifts and binds to another landform. The wind helps it to transmigrate, but sometimes the harsh weather totally demolishes it and mix it with the water. Large trees up to 50 feet tall and 8-12 inches in diameter have been seen growing on Tussocks.

Tussocks are a symbolisation of the maturing process of bodies of water. Individuals say that Tussocks are a part of Florida’s shallow lakes. Their number and size was altered by droughts, fire, and floods. More than not floods carry most of the Floating islands. Most Tussocks have been deposited in downstream fenland or upland areas.

Today, water levels are maintained by man made devices such as wires, levees and dams. The man made structures discourage Tussock formation because water levels are ofttimes too high or too low. Most people, these days, don’t cherish the influx of drifting islands. In addition to carrying itself, the islands often act as a mode of transportation for creatures. Many times reptilians and amphibians hitch a ride on a Tussock. I personally don’t think someone would enjoy the arrival of a large deadly alligator beside their home. Drifting islands don’t just carry dangerous creatures; they can also bring helpful plants and herbs your way.

Tussocks are also responsible for another significant problem. Tussocks can block paths to significant


essential] shipping harbour. This can cause many problems for businessman who works near areas of water. Ships can be blocked and damaged by it. Floating islands are also able to stop up the path of an irrigation system. Many governments are blowing millions so that Tussocks don’t get in their way of living a happy life. herbicides have been used in an attempt to control the Tussocks. Costly methods like shredders and flatboat mounted track hoes have been implemented to gain control.

About the Author:

Dave McNabb founded a full service aquatic maintenance company located in Lafayette, California in 1996. Dave started his aquatic career in 1980 with Aquatics Unlimited located in Martinez, California. In 1984 Dave became the very first Aquamog operator and has run the machines for the past 25 years.

Author: Dave McNabb

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-- Environmental Engineering Services and Our Nation's Future

Why is there a need for environmental engineering services? A growing awareness exists concerning the effects of environmental destruction to the health of the planet and even humankind's future. This awareness has resulted in the creation of stringent laws and processes dictating the need for environmental due diligence. Experts can help provide environmental due diligence, as well as the required steps to take should environmental pollutants be discovered on a property.

As more and more consumers become aware of the damage done to the environment by industrial and commercial enterprises, the need for immediate action becomes increasingly apparent. In fact, the only way to ensure that environmental damage is halted, and even reversed, is to utilize environmental engineering services. These experts provide not only help with testing, but also the means to eliminate harmful pollutants from land and groundwater, and ease the strain on existing vegetation.

Environmental engineers are experts in determining the effects of possible biological, physical or chemical contaminants to the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the land on which you live. They are well versed in the fields of geology, biology, and chemistry as well as civil, mechanical and agricultural engineering. These experts know the different provisions of environmental law and ensure the tenants of these laws are implemented through environmental due diligence.

It is imperative that owners and CEOs take corporate responsibility toward the community seriously, and insist on careful planning and research. Companies are now beginning to realize that they need to conduct environmental due diligence when planning land development, whether for commercial needs or for residential projects.

As new projects are designed, an environmental site assessment should be performed on each property in question. It is vital that such an assessment be completed prior to any construction. Reliable environmental engineering services can easily provide the necessary information to ensure companies make sound investments, as well as helping to provide better health for those who will be involved in the property once construction is finished. Environmental engineers will also be able to determine the possible positive impact a project will bring to an area, such as clean air and adequate water resources.

How will this prove to be beneficial? As more companies become aware of their responsibility toward the environment, the wanton destruction of natural resources is prevented. With the proper recommendations from reputable environment engineering services, projects will be conceptualized around the preservation of, rather than destruction of, our surroundings. In addition to that, environmental site assessment papers are considered important legal papers that the company can be use as future reference. They

can use their Phase I ESA whether they are applying for a loan, sharing equity or wanting to have partnership.

The welfare of people and the impact of the place they live will be given priority. There will be an added sense of safety and assurance that environmental concerns will not pose any threat to the wellbeing of those in or around the property. But the most important thing of all is that they will gain trust. Trust from the humankind, and trust from mother nature too. And who knows, property owners will be blessed with abundance. specializes in meeting the needs of commercial real estate professionals and lenders. Our environmental consultants have a thorough understanding of environmental law and required environmental practices, enabling us to provide quick turnaround on Phase I environmental site assessments.

Author: Louise Lohrena

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-- Environmental Engineering Services and Our Nation's Future

Why is there a need for environmental engineering services? A growing awareness exists concerning the effects of environmental destruction to the health of the planet and even humankind's future. This awareness has resulted in the creation of stringent laws and processes dictating the need for environmental due diligence. Experts can help provide environmental due diligence, as well as the required steps to take should environmental pollutants be discovered on a property.

As more and more consumers become aware of the damage done to the environment by industrial and commercial enterprises, the need for immediate action becomes increasingly apparent. In fact, the only way to ensure that environmental damage is halted, and even reversed, is to utilize environmental engineering services. These experts provide not only help with testing, but also the means to eliminate harmful pollutants from land and groundwater, and ease the strain on existing vegetation.

Environmental engineers are experts in determining the effects of possible biological, physical or chemical contaminants to the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the land on which you live. They are well versed in the fields of geology, biology, and chemistry as well as civil, mechanical and agricultural engineering. These experts know the different provisions of environmental law and ensure the tenants of these laws are implemented through environmental due diligence.

It is imperative that owners and CEOs take corporate responsibility toward the community seriously, and insist on careful planning and research. Companies are now beginning to realize that they need to conduct environmental due diligence when planning land development, whether for commercial needs or for residential projects.

As new projects are designed, an environmental site assessment should be performed on each property in question. It is vital that such an assessment be completed prior to any construction. Reliable environmental engineering services can easily provide the necessary information to ensure companies make sound investments, as well as helping to provide better health for those who will be involved in the property once construction is finished. Environmental engineers will also be able to determine the possible positive impact a project will bring to an area, such as clean air and adequate water resources.

How will this prove to be beneficial? As more companies become aware of their responsibility toward the environment, the wanton destruction of natural resources is prevented. With the proper recommendations from reputable environment engineering services, projects will be conceptualized around the preservation of, rather than destruction of, our surroundings. In addition to that, environmental site assessment papers are considered important legal papers that the company can be use as future reference. They

can use their Phase I ESA whether they are applying for a loan, sharing equity or wanting to have partnership.

The welfare of people and the impact of the place they live will be given priority. There will be an added sense of safety and assurance that environmental concerns will not pose any threat to the wellbeing of those in or around the property. But the most important thing of all is that they will gain trust. Trust from the humankind, and trust from mother nature too. And who knows, property owners will be blessed with abundance. specializes in meeting the needs of commercial real estate professionals and lenders. Our environmental consultants have a thorough understanding of environmental law and required environmental practices, enabling us to provide quick turnaround on Phase I environmental site assessments.

Author: Louise Lohrena

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-- Benefits of Organic Products

Buying organic products has now spread much further than food alone. Many people prefer to buy organic food because they do not like eating the pesticides and fertilizers that are put on the non-organic produce. Of course, these are put on organic food but there are more restrictions on what can be used and people trust it more.

It is often thought that the food tastes better although other people find that it does not last as long because it does not have so many preservatives added to it. There are now many more organic products available to buy and the growing market at the moment seems to be fabrics. Here are a lot of clothes available to buy, there are many things for children. These appeal to mothers who worry a lot about the fabrics that are touching their babies skin and also about how the cotton has been grown. There are arguments that organic products are better for the environment as well and so people who are concious of these issues and want to help the cause will buy these items. Things such as organic hats are a great gift for other people as well as something that it is really useful to have for yourself. They are getting more readily available too, as well as more high street shops keeping them in stock, there are a lot available to buy on the internet.

Another organic fabric item that you can buy are organic cotton bags these are a great way of buying an organic cotton product without worrying about what it will be like to wear it. There is no reason why it should be hard to wear, but as there is less of a range of clothing then you might find it rather restrictive or that it is not the sort of thing that you would normally consider wearing. These are another good idea for presents as well because it is always useful to have some spare shopping bags, especially f you care about the environment and do not like plastic bags which cannot be reused so often. So consider whether organic cotton is something that you would like to use more of as if you do decide that you would like to, then it is very likely that you will be able to find items in plentiful supply on the internet.

Author: Caitlina Fuller

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