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Our bodies contain a large amount of water, in fact about two thirds of our body weight is water. However, we need it all - losing just one... percent of our body weight due to fluid loss can cause dehydration and any more than that can lead to serious medical complications.
We are constantly losing water, by sweating or urinating, so by drinking water were keeping our supplies topped up.
How can I tell if I am dehydrated?
The easiest way is to look at the color of your urine. If it is pale, you're probably ok. If it's any darker than the color of straw, you're probably not drinking enough.
Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, loss of concentration and tiredness, dry skin and eyes. Ongoing dehydration can cause problems with, among other things, your kidneys, liver, joints and muscles. Many people are unaware that they are dehydrated, they simply become used to not feeling 100%. You should drink throughout the day, rather than when your body cries out for liquid.
From a vanity point of view - hydrated skin looks younger as its plumper, dehydrated skin looks sallow and older. Just by drinking more water could make you look years younger.
How much do we need?
The Food Standards Agency and The British Diabetic Association recommend that people living in the UK (or a country of similar climate) drink six to eight glasses of water every day. That's about one and a half to two liters, or a big bottle of water. Children will not need as much water as adults.
This is based on an average day in Britain, when the weather heats up, or you have done a lot of exercise, you will need to drink more. Remember to stick to the daily recommended limit, as drinking too much water can be just as damaging. Too much water could lead to water intoxication, which could be fatal.
To find out a more accurate water intake, try Water Aid's online hydration calculator. It calculates the amount of water you need to drink, based on your weight and amount of exercise you do each day.
What if I don't like water?
The most effective way to drink enough and stay hydrated is to drink plain water, a fizzy drink only contains about 65% water.
If you really don't like water, try diluting it with a little pure fruit juice. The Food Standards Agency also recommends drinking semi skimmed milk.
If you're also drinking tea and coffee, it's worth remembering that the caffeine in them acts as a diuretic, which means you will want to urinate more, so drink a little more to compensate. As for alcohol, this does not count, as it dehydrates you. So if you like your booze, you will need to top up your water intake.
How can I drink more?
Start each day with a glass of water, adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to give your digestive system a boost. Keep a bottle of water with you, in your bag / briefcase. Keep a bottle of water on your desk and drink as you work. Eat more fruit and vegetables; they have a higher water content, than most other foods. Drink a glass of water at set points during the day, one before lunch, one before you leave work, one as you get home etc... Have a glass of water every time you have a cup of tea or coffee and every time you eat.
Plumbed in water cooler, Bottled or tap water?
Plumbed in water coolers and bottled coolers, is big business these days. Many of us find that the water that comes from the taps does not taste very nice, so using a water cooler or buying bottles, seems like a logical solution. So a good option is to invest in a water filter. The filtering process lowers the lime-scale content of the water, plus it reduces other substances that can effect the smell and taste of water, such as chlorine.
Author: Nick Vincent-Brown
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Canadian Air Systems Co. is an engineering company that designs industrial dust collection systems. Dust collecting equipment is available in numerous designs... utilizing a number of principles and featuring wide variation in effectiveness, initial cost, operating and maintenance expense, space, arrangements and material of construction.
One of the most widely used type of dust collector is Fabric Dust Collector.
Fabric arresters are high efficiency, medium cost collectors. The effectiveness of passing air or gas through a fabric at low velocity has been recofnized and used for many years in air cleaning devices. Fabric is arranged in envelope or tubular (stocking) shapes. While removal appears to take place by a staining action of the media, in reality dust collection is obtained by building up a mat of the material on the dirty side of the media. This mat provides the actual filtering or straining bed. By means of this bed a high degree of removal is obtained even on sub-micron size particles.
The dust collectors are used extensively in industry for a wide range of applications. They require more space than most other types of air cleaning devices, necessiating outdoor installation in most cases.
Some spesific types of Fabric Dust Collectors engineered by Canadian Air Systems Co. are:
These types may use either envelope or stocking arrangement of the fabric but will generally employ shaking or vibrating as a means of reconditioning. Periodically Uusually at 4 to 6 hour intervals0 the air flow must be stopped to effect reconditioning - thus the classification "intermittent".
Rate of flow through the media seldom exceeds 4 fpm and often as low as 2 fpm. Ratings are usually selected so pressure drop will be in the 2" - 5" WG range between the beginning and the end of a cycle.
As dust accumulates on the media. resistance to flow increases and air flow decreases until the fan is stopped and the media reconditioned. Variation in air flow due to changing pressure losses is sometimes a disadvantage and when coupled with requirement to periodically stop flow may preclude use of intermittent dust collectors.
The disadvanteges of stopping the air flow to permit vibration and variations in the airflow can be overcomed by using of sectional arresters allowing continuous operation of the exhaust system as automatic dampers periodically take one section out of service for reconditioning the fabric while the remaining sections take the entire gas volume. The large the number of sections, the nearer the pressure loss will remain constant. The use of reverse air flow to increase effectiveness of removing adhering material is sometimes incorporated in such designs. Reverse-flow collapse type and occasionally reverse-jet type dust collectors utilize the multiple-section principle.
When employing shakers as a means of reconditioning, rate of flow through the media (air to cloth ratio) will range from 2 to 4 fpm as with intermittent type dust collector. Generally this air to cloth ratio is based on net cloth area available when one compartment is out of service for reconditioning.
The reverse-jet type differs from the conventional arrEsters in its use of high pressure air to clean the fabric. One type uses high pressure air (30" - 40" WG) from a travelling "blow ring" to dislodge the collected cake from inside the fabric tube. Since dust laden air enters the top of the fabric tube, air flow within the stocking is downward to the hopper allowing the fabric to be cleaned without stopping air flow. Multiple sections or comartmentation is not required for continuous duty. The"blow ring" is normally operated continuously.
Another type uses high pressure compressed air (100 PSI) to break the dust cake from the exterior of the fabric tube or envelope by the intermittent application of reverse-jet compressed air. In some dust collectors of this type multiple sections are utilized. Other dust collectors apply the compressed air on only one or very few tubes or envelopes at a time prventing air flow in adjacent tubes or envelopes and decreasign the possibility of re-entrimane and redeposition.
Cleaning or reconditioning by the reverse-jet method is more complete than that obtained by vibrating or shaking. Higher air flows are possible due to short reconditioning cycle. Air flow rates of 6 to 12 fpm are usual. Pressure loss will be more nearly uniform (generally 4" to 6" WG if properly rated) and exhaust air volume will be more nearly constant. Fabric dust collectors of this type might be more expensive and require added maintenance for the cleaning mechanism.
Reverse-flow collapse cleaning is generally used with glass media which is fragile and requires a gentle cleaning technique. Reversing the glass flow provides a gentle collapse of the fabric usually in a "four point star" braking the dust cake which falls by gravity into the hopper.
Author: Oleg Tchetchel
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Natural disasters (or acts of nature) are considered to be the consequence of a natural hazard which affects human activities. They... are termed a disaster if they cause financial, environmental or human loss due to lack of planning or lack of appropriate emergency management.
Acts of nature come in many varied forms. Land movement diasters include avalanches, earthquakes, lahars, landslides, mudflows and volcanic eruptions. Blizzards, droughts, hailstorms, heat waves and cyclonic storms (incuding hurricanes, tropical cyclones and typhoons) are all considered to be water disasters. Other disaster situations include fire, health and disease (including epidemics and famine), and space (impact events and solar flares).
Natural disasters are often related. Drought can lead to famine and disease, tunamis are caused by earthquakes under the ocean, and volcanic eruptions can result in lahars and fires ravaging the land. All of these natural disasters can cause environmental emergencies. They can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighbourhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services--water, gas, electricity or telephones--were cut off? Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away.
Emergency management or disaster management involves preparing for a disaster before it happens. You cannot put an emergency on hold. Effective emergency preparation relies on a well thought out plan of action that will help you and your family know what to do in case of an emergency situation. Every household, school and business needs an Emergency Plan.
As part of your emergency plan you should consider the following guidelines:
- Safe exits from your home, school, place of business and neighborhood
- Meeting places to reunite with family members, roommates, colleagues, etc.
- A designated person to pic up your children if you are unable to do so
- A place for your pet(s) to stay
- Contact person(s) close by and out-of-town
- Pertinent health information for you, your family and pet(s)
- Location of fire extinguishers, water and gas shut-off valves, electrical box and floor drain
- Possible risks in your area
What you have on hand when a disaster happens could make the difference surviving or not surviving the emergncy. Plan to store enough supplies for everyone in your household for at least 72 hours (3 days). It is important to have an emergency survival kit that contains all the products families (schools or businesses) would need to comfortably stand firm against an emergency situation. Emergency kits should be kept in the home (near the front door if possible), car and workplace for unexpected emergencies such as power outages, break downs, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, earthquakes and other potential disasters.
Some items to consider for your survival kit should include:
- easy-carry backpack or duffel bag
- emergency food and water for 72 hour (3 days)
- first aid kit, medications (if required)
- flashlight(s) and batteries, emergency whistle
- heavy-duty leather work gloves, disposable vinyl gloves
- FM radio and batteries or crank radio (no batteries required)
- tooth paste and toothbrush (one per person)
- disposable razors (double-blade), antibacterial deodorant soap
- paper tissues and toilet paper rolls, terry towel(s)
- multi-purpose scissors, note pad(s) with pencil(s) and pencil sharpener
- rain poncho(s), tube-tent, emergency blanket(s) to retain body heat
- camping stove - can also be used as heat-source
- waterproof matches
- pocket warmers, comfortable shoes, extra clothing
- some extra cash
By having a minimum of the suggested 72-hour (3 day) supply of food, water, first aid, shelter and other survival gear in your disaster preparedness kit, you will be able to take care of yourself and your family in an emergency situation. Be Prepared – Before Disaster Strikes!
Author: Lorrie Streeter
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Can India's tigers survive against the huge odds stacked against them? Do they really stand a chance against rampant poaching, habitat destruction, loss of prey and killings... by villagers? Nearly a century ago there were over forty thousand tigers in India. True many were hunted by Westerners and Indian lords decades ago but India still had thousands left at the time of its independence in 1947. Still they continued to be shot down by anybody who owned a rifle and could buy a bait to attract the tiger. Villagers grazing their herds through forests ensured that the natural prey of tiger starved to death and thus so did tigers. As a result, by early 1970's less than two thousand tigers remained in the jungles of India.
Fortunately for the striped sufferer, the Indian prime minister at that time, Indira Gandhi, took action and founded Project Tiger, to save her country's most valued asset from total extinction. For the next two decades there was a lull and tigers flourished under renewed protection in designated reserves. As a result their numbers reportedly increased to four thousand. But that was all to change in the nineties. Tiger poaching picked up. Organized gangs took advantage of the inherent laziness and corruption that ran through the ranks of park rangers and officials. As a result, tigers started disappearing. Some of the most well known, photographed and magnificent animals faded away. Some reserves like the famous 'Sariska' reserve, just a couple of hours drive from the Indian capital New Delhi, protected by three hundred rangers, was wiped clean of its dozens of tigers. Similarly tigers began vanishing from internationally renowned parks like Ranthambore and Kanha, visited by thousands of tourists yearly from around the world!
While all this was going on and calls were being made by respected scientists and conservationists like Valmik Thapar and Belinda Wright to urgently protect the tiger, the administration of Project Tiger, relying on obsolete methods of tiger counting like pug mark identification, continued to deny that any tigers were missing. hereafter newer initiatives have been taken by the Indian government and newer guidelines created, further weakening the power of tiger preservation organizations of India. Politicians are now trying to facilitate people back into tiger reserves, bringing further catastrophe to the delicate ecosystems of India's shrinking tiger reserves.
The problems that tigers face are many. First is the issue of poaching that continues unchecked owing to the negligence of underpaid, ill-equipped, outnumbered and unfit forest guards. Laws protecting the wildlife are weak. Furthermore there is a huge demand for tiger skins and parts in China, Far eastern Asia including Hong Kong, Thailand and Burma, and Tibet. Each individual tiger can bring hundreds of dollars to the poor villagers and people of India, many of which live at under a dollar a day.
Then there is the issue of human encroachment into tiger territory. Indian economy is expanding and population is increasing. It already has around one billion people and is set to become the most populous country in the world in coming years. Farmers and villagers are living at the borders of, and often right inside, parks. They graze their herds through jungles resulting in the depletion of natural food for the ungulates of forests that are chief components of a tiger's diet. As a result the starving tigers take to attacking cattle and at times humans. This brings them into conflict with locals who take no time in poisoning partially eaten tiger kills. When the big cat returns to feed upon the carcass, it dies.
Thirdly and perhaps most importantly is the attitude of Indian administration. Not sufficient concrete and long term measures are being taken by the government while tigers continue to be slaughtered in most of the so-called 'protected areas' of Indian tiger reserves. In the end, this may prove to be the final nail in the coffin of the Bengal Tiger.
All of this brings one to a single rational derivation - do tigers really stand a realistic chance in India? The latest census reports a total figure of around fourteen hundred animals. Nearly two hundred and fifty animals are being killed yearly. So in all probability, at the current rate of extinction, the Royal Bengal Tiger will be lost forever from Indian wilderness in the next decade. Unless of course there is a miraculous turn around in the way that conservation efforts are being run.
Obviously it will continue to be featured in zoos around the world. Acting as a spectacle for the human race. Rewilding projects will be talked about, planned and even possibly undertaken but will certainly be near impossible to conduct on a large scale. If the people of India don't wake up now to save their most sublime asset, they must realize that they will lose it forever in the blink of an eye.
Author: Omer Ashraf
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One of the newest cat breeds around, Ukranian Levkoy is seen predominantly in the east European country of Ukraine. Very few of these cats exist in other countries. Work on the Ukrainian Levkoy began... at the beginning of twenty first century when it was felt there was a need for a cat of Ukrainian origin with a distinct appearance, particularly desirable for some breeders. After continuous efforts, finally in early 2004, first Ukrainian Levkoy kittens were born through crossing of a lop-eared male with a female Sphynx cat. Several dozen cats have been born since then and are currently registered mainly in Ukraine and Russia.
Ukrainian Levkoys have a very unique appearance. They resemble Sphynx cats but have ears somewhat like those of Scottish Folds. They are medium sized felines with a long and sleek body. Head is long and flat on top with an angular and stepped face that is almost dog-like. Eyes are big, almond shaped and occur in a variety of bright colors. Distinguishing feature of these elegant cats is their ears that are folded frontally downward. In fact Ukrainian Levkoys derive their name from the Levkoy plant, that has bent leaves, owing to their ears. Tail and legs are long and paws are oval in shape.
The other striking feature of these stylish cats is their coat. They have a thick and elastic skin and is often wrinkled if the cat is not in a fully stretched position. It is even said to be excessive over certain body parts. Hair are either very short and coarse, with uniform or patchy distribution, or entirely absent.
Not much is understood about Ukrainian Levkoys at present to indicate the presence of any hereditary medical condition in their lines. They are healthy and active cats and are said to be leading a normal life with the handful of breeders and families they are with at this point in time.
Author: Omer Ashraf
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A recent breed of cats, Pixie-Bob is rumored to have a wild heritage with breeders claiming that they originated from mating of Bobcats with domestic felines. There is some controversy over this even as many locals in... certain parts of North America claim the phenomenon to be a usual occurrence. Genetic testing has revealed no evidence of wild cat roots in Pixie-Bob's chromosomal make-up. It is therefore not certain as to how exactly these cats came about. They were first reported in mid nineteen eighties and are currently in the process of gaining recognition from cat fancier registration bodies. Pixie-Bob is a largish cat with well developed musculoskeletal structure. They are quite strong and of an impressive build relative to most domestic felines. Healthy adult males are known to reach twenty five pounds in weight, making them one of the biggest cat breeds. Coat is silky and double layered. Both short and longhair versions are seen. Face resembles that of the Bobcat with slanted almond-shaped eyes and tufted ears. Overall appearance is that of a wild felid rather than a house cat. Pixie-Bobs are made remarkable by their short tail that resembles that of the Bobcat. It can be either totally absent or grow up to reach a short length. The cats are also unique in the sense that they frequently have extra toes on their paws. In fact they are the only cat breed that is allowed into competitions with polydactyly. Despite their reputed wild cat origin, Pixie-Bobs are not crossed with Bobcats for development of the breed. Pixie-Bobs are highly intelligent and affectionate cats. They are said to be very sensitive and respond to even slight changes in their environment. They are like dogs in terms of their loyalty and some of their habits. Like dogs they tend to fetch toys and objects, and prefer to sit next to their humans and follow them around everywhere.
Author: Omer Ashraf
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An interesting title appeared recently in a reputable newspaper. The title was ‘Beautiful and Smart,” an intriguing and confusing title choice considering the article appeared in the real estate section of the... article described a green architecture house that was both aesthetically beautiful and eco ‘smart.’
Although the two concepts used to exist in paradox, over the past ten years there has been a strong movement towards intertwining the two. Most people assume that they must make a choice between building either beautiful or green architecture.
This is no longer the case. As the construction and components of green architecture become more sophisticated and advanced, home builders will no longer have to decide between their sense of civic responsibility to be green and the fantasy picture of their home.
While green architecture used to be to complicated and expensive for the masses, recent developments have occurred that are paving the way for its conversion to mainstream.Construction stores now have sections dedicated to eco-friendly products. Tools and materials used in green architecture now have labels detailing if they are environmentally friendly. HGTV,
Home and Garden Network Television, both hosts segments dedicated exclusively to green architecture and shows their hosts using green products in other segments. There are also a plethora of websites now offering tips and ideas on how to incorporate green architecture at minimum cost including offering free home plans and coupons for green products.
It is also important to understand that green architecture is not just an approach to the structure of any individual house. Green architecture also refers to the how the house is in relation to it’s environment and the topography of the land surrounding it.
For example, if a house is built in a hot and humid city, an architect will likely try to minimize the amount of windows in the house to avoid the wasted energy resulting from air conditioning. Solar panels are integrated into houses where there is sun the majority of the year.
Get more information about green architecture
Author: Moty wyner
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Houseflies proliferate in the UK throughout the summer months, and are often regarded as incredibly frustrating pests that carry a range of diseases. Adults are typically... around 6-9mm in size, and have a grey thorax and yellow abdomen. Further to this, they are covered in hair and have only one pair of wings. Their average life span ranges from fifteen to twenty five days and can produce a huge amount of eggs within this time – making effective pest control of the utmost importance.
It is the feeding habits of the housefly that make it one of the most detested household pests. They secrete their saliva onto solid foods to aid with predigestion before sucking it back in – clearly a not very appetising prospect. Due to the ways in which they ingest their food, flies are constantly ejecting faeces, making them particularly dangerous transmitters of a variety of pathogens.
Interesting research has shown flies have an incredibly highly evolved evasive action, which takes place in a matter of only 200ms. They are able to calculate the exact approach of any form of threat, before altering their stance appropriately in order to allow for a successful escape. This makes effective pest control Birmingham for houseflies very difficult to find.
As a result of this, it is of key importance to call in the specialists and trying DIY remedies is not recommended. Professional pest control Birmingham services are available near you, and can use a variety of approaches to solve any problems you may be experiencing with regard to house flies.
Some measures that may help to discourage flies from taking residence in your home or business include: keeping the house as clean as possible and trying to avoid gaps in buildings as far as possible. Some simple ways to maintain hygiene standards are: not leaving food or decaying matter around, ensuring good drainage and cleaning refuse bins and the areas they are kept frequently.
However, if these measures still don’t seem to be having the desired effect, do not hesitate to contact an expert pest control company, who can give you the most accurate advice available.
Sarah Edwards, Content Writer for The Creare Group, Website Design Specialists.
Author: Sarah Edwards
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mproving your home with a Solar Power Electricity is an ideal way to save power, money and the environment. Solar Electricity is generated by absorbing the solar light and converts it to... Electricity supplying your entire household with all of your electricity needs. Solar Power Electricity is only one alternative system to making your own electricity; there is also Wind and Magnetic Generators. The main benefits you will receive by installing one of the alternative home power electric systems is that of these Home Power Electric systems operate 100% pollution free as well as no more electricity bills to pay.
A Solar Power Electricity generator can be built in a very short period of time and one of the benefits of a Solar Power Electricity is the basic system can be purchased and added on to as more funds become available and eventually reduce your electricity costs to zero. The plans are very detailed and you can purchase all the supplies and equipment from your community hardware store. You can also buy a complete home Solar Power Electricity Kits and hire the local handyman to install it in a day or two, you do not need to be a skilled tradesman to build and install these modern day simple systems.
In the few decades new technologies have advanced in converting Sunlight to Solar Power Electricity it has made enormous advancements to making these systems more compact and efficient. These Solar Power Electricity systems are very low-cost to build and install and you can go step-by-step at a time until your residence becomes 100% self supporting on your home-made electricity power. The Systems can also be install in combination depending on the natural sunlight or winds in your area. Other factors such as the area available for solar panels or local regulations may prohibit a wind generator in your yard all must be considered when choosing the type of Home Power Electricity System. All of these systems have evolved that there are alternative systems available regardless of where you live or your situation.
Alot more detailed information at this review site found at the links located within this article for you to do a comparison of the benefits and disadvantages of all diverse Solar Power Electricity types as well as the other alternates of Wind and Magnetic Generator systems.
If each household would install an alternative home power electricity system a gigantic step would be made to cleaning up our atmosphere. We should all support and make a little effort to stopping the destruction of our planet, it is our home! I am currently using a Solar Energy Home system and one other type of alternative home power electricity system and building a third, producing a surplus above of my home power needs.
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Our Eco-friendly products you use every day are made with the highest standards of safety and health with your family in mind. In Europe, six in ten
citizens rated environmental impact as more important than a product’s brand name. We, in the United States, should be doing our part to insure that our families are protected by any additional pollution possible by becoming aware of what we use in our homes on a daily basis and what dangers lurk beneath our kitchen cabinets. Our EcoSense products are safe for your home and your family. They are created with super -concentrated formulas and biodegradable ingredients. EcoSense products are the perfect combination of safety, performance, and value. From dishes and cabinets to laundry, floors, and furniture, EcoSense gives you a cleaner, fresher home—without caustic chemicals, phosphates, or bleach. It’s the kind of care your home, your family, and the environment deserve. That’s clean without compromise. That’s EcoSense - it makes sense!! We believe that our products help to make our world a little cleaner and greener! We want to reduce our footprint on Planet Earth and increase the size of your bank account while doing so. Our focus has always been on delivering Wellness and helping people enjoy Financial Freedom. Ask us how you can actively help yourself financially and help others educate themselves about our products. We have a complete marketing system and we will take you step by step! Join us marketing and promoting wellness and eco-friendly products for you, your family and the world!
Author: Susie Keleher
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