It is the feeding habits of the housefly that make it one of the most detested household pests. They secrete their saliva onto solid foods to aid with predigestion before sucking it back in – clearly a not very appetising prospect. Due to the ways in which they ingest their food, flies are constantly ejecting faeces, making them particularly dangerous transmitters of a variety of pathogens.
Interesting research has shown flies have an incredibly highly evolved evasive action, which takes place in a matter of only 200ms. They are able to calculate the exact approach of any form of threat, before altering their stance appropriately in order to allow for a successful escape. This makes effective pest control Birmingham for houseflies very difficult to find.
As a result of this, it is of key importance to call in the specialists and trying DIY remedies is not recommended. Professional pest control Birmingham services are available near you, and can use a variety of approaches to solve any problems you may be experiencing with regard to house flies.
Some measures that may help to discourage flies from taking residence in your home or business include: keeping the house as clean as possible and trying to avoid gaps in buildings as far as possible. Some simple ways to maintain hygiene standards are: not leaving food or decaying matter around, ensuring good drainage and cleaning refuse bins and the areas they are kept frequently.
However, if these measures still don’t seem to be having the desired effect, do not hesitate to contact an expert pest control company, who can give you the most accurate advice available.
Sarah Edwards, Content Writer for The Creare Group, Website Design Specialists.
Author: Sarah Edwards