Erosion is a problem in almost every environment all over the world. To solve this, erosion mats are used. If an erosion mat is to be implemented, then there are two types to choose from.
For a non-channel area, an erosion mat that can be rolled out to protect the topsoil from rainfall and wind damage should be used. This is a covering to protect the barren topsoil from wind and water erosion. The covering is regularly made of a biodegradable material like straw or coconut fiber, but other types of plant life can be used. They are regularly held together with biodegradable matting or netting component. This is also made of a biodegradable substance so that it only lasts until vegetation has established a root system that holds the dirt in together. Another effect of using an erosion mat is that moisture is captured with this form of covering. This side bonus is a major contributor to the generation of plant life. This is mainly used on small sloping areas. The steeper the grade of the slope, the more netting material is required to keep the soil in place with a protective covering.
There is also a channel erosion mat. These are made up of the same material as a non-channel mat, but also include wood chips. Unlike the non-channel erosion mats, this type of mat is specifically created to hold up during unexpected formations of channeled water. These types of mats are also very effective in temporary channels or channels that have inconsistent water present.
This erosion matting is rolled and put into place for the same reason as the non-channel mat, and that is to give plant life a chance to establish a root system. There are three different types of classes of this protective mat. The right class for your application will be determined by the sheer stress needed and duration for the mat to remain before returning to its natural state.
Author: Mark Sierra
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