There are a great number of Americans that love to go watch a horse show. The significant drawback for those with respiratory problems is arena dust. This dust is not only hazardous to the spectators and riders, but also the horses.
Arena dust occurs when the base of an arena is not compatec properly or has become combined with local soil. For an average arena, a normal year's wear and tear will only wear the surface down 1/8 of an inch. As the surface is more frequently used, the dirt is broken down more and more until the particles become small enough to be airborne. New unwashed sand to cover the arena floor, but it does not produce dust because the particles are of sufficient size to not become airborne. Another benefit of unwashed sand is that it has from 10 percent to 30 percent clay. Clay is a fine particle that can easily become airborne, but it has other qualities that decrease the dust. One is that clay has the ability to bind with other particles in the sand. This helps to minimize the smaller particles that could become airborne that are in with the sand.
A liquid that is used to minimize arena dust is water. This is an effective method, but it is a temporary stop gap. To increase its potency, it must be done in sufficient amounts. In most cases, if water is soaked down two inches, this will be sufficient enough until the moisture evaporates. For most arenas to control dust, not only can they make use of water, but they could also use salt. The most common salts are calcium or magnesium chloride. The physical properties of these salts are what make them compatible with water. This is their "hydroscopic properties" or ability to absorb moisture. Unfortunately, there is a risk that comes with calcium chloride and its caustic effect on the horses and a rider's skin. Magnesium chloride is the suggested salt. As an added precaution, it is recommended that the horse's lower legs and hooves be washed down after being in an arena treated with magnesium salts.
There are other dust suppressors for an arena, but magnesium chloride combined with water is the economical choice to eliminate arena dust.
Additional information can be found regarding how silt fencing can be used to control erosion from getting out of hand. Check out the Dust Stop Zone for more Free information.
Related Articles - arena, dust
Author: Mark Sierra